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Thursday 10 April 2014

"Chill out" & our wounded soldier recovers

The advice of, "chill out"
is the subject of this story from sky news with its title of 11 ways to chill out in 5 minutes is worth a look.  11 pics with a few words to "relax" the reader.

My favourite at left - - - now where does that remind me of? lol

Certainly no pun intended here but a few chilling pics
from Mount Everest
The triumphs of climbing the highest mountain on earth are trumpeted in the media along with the tragedies.  This boot is attached to one of the "150" climbers who have died on the mountain since it was first climbed back in 1953
The article contains comments by "readers" and as usual represent "differing views!"

Its taken a week for the "fiddler" MP
Maria Miller to "resign" amidst the "nose in the trough" stories surrounding her departure.
In resigning she is allowed a severance hand out of £17,000.  Comments by Mr Mann that this type of pay out is an  outdated practice calm you down! however, the fact that she is only going to shuffle up a row or 2 in the parliament seats to the back benches must bring on a sharp intake of breath and a couple of "I dont believe it!" - - -

The Express has its usual "cure"

story to keep us all jogging along although this one seems to indicate "we're all doomed"
The Mail covers the story  as well but part of it plays down the actual danger - - - the Express looks to have been having a slack news day then! - - -

Closer to home
Days off at last -- -  the first couple of days of my shift pattern made me wonder why I was there but the usual "suspects" came along with an explanation later!  I now have 2 customers grilling me about Maldive  holidays! - - -

Sainsbury the Tabby cat
is not enjoying his "grounding" in an attempt for his wounds and the resulting infection to get better.
Its looking more like he was attacked as he tried to escape the attentions of another cat rather than anything more traumatic.
We took him out in the garden on a harness yesterday but he didn't like the idea of being restrained and sat there glowering and swishing his tail back and forward to indicate his displeasure.
He will be allowed back into the big bad world this afternoon so it will be back to "fingers crossed" that he doesn't come up against his adversary too soon.

Logging today!
Enjoy the day
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