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Thursday 17 April 2014

Dog in trouble on roof & Sainsbury go's climbing!

A dog gets stuck on a roof chasing seagulls
the little fella climbed out of a bedroom window to chase the noisy birds but then froze on the top of the roof to be rescued by the local firemen

The Express has another miracle cure
to be fair a couple of other newspapers report that there might be quite a
breakthrough in combating cancer - - - fingers crossed! - - -
The monster rat story is more their style! - -

Closer to home
Sally has been busy planting out her bits and bobs despite the couple of frosts we have had
I put up the trellis a couple of days ago and hopefully these peas will grow up it. 
The grape vine in the lower greenhouse is going to be given a free hand this year, normally we cut it back quite viciously so it will be interesting to see how it does! 
The quince is going really well
while the garden generally is looking good, the "yellow thing" has a particularly heady scent! click the pic and you can almost smell it! 

As i was setting off for the Fun factory this morning Sainsbury the Tabby spotted a couple of jackdaws going into one of next doors chimney pots where they have built a nest 
He shot up there 
I didn't witness the next bit though when he jumped up on the chimney and frightened off the parents only to be mobbed by not only them but another pair form along the terrace.  He beat a hasty retreat back to ground level! 
He did however bring in a Robin the other day which is a bird we rather delight in watching! 
Still what can you do its what cats get up to! 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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