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Thursday 1 May 2014

Road work misery & A walk around Chatsworth!

We all get our share of waiting in line for the "temporary traffic lights.
"A Survey has revealed"  well cant you make a survey reveal anything you want!  anyway the survey reveals that there are 2300 miles of roadworks currently in progress.
Around here we seem to suffer from the "hole in the pavement" roadworks but the pavements are so narrow that the workmen throw the earth from the hole in the road and put up temporary lights "for nothing!!!!!"
The MP Nigel Farage Gets an egging
in a visit to Nottingham! - - -

Closer to home
I had been wondering where to "go for a walk" yesterday and finally settled for a local walk, yet another that i have been neglecting for some considerable time
Starting by walking North along the river Derwent opposite our cottage
The Ransoms (wild garlic) is really showing its green leaves and some of the white flowers are now beginning to show their heads
A few St Georges mushrooms were alongside the river path
A lot of work has gone on in the last few weeks to remove the storm blown trees from the river
walking up through the Haddon Estate to the Chatsworth land the Bluebells are out in the woods
Heading down to Chatsworth I pass Russian Cottage. The story go's that a Russian Coach (and horses) driver lived in it years ago
Thinking I had missed the Deer I am surprised as they are when i see the Red Deer with the Edensor village church spire in the background.
They even come towards me and i get a clearer shot
A little further down the hill the fallow deer are also interested in my progress
great pic of Chatsworth House over the bridge
The foresters are cutting the trees down on the river bank, I hope the big one on the right is left alone!
The stables! Designed by Paxton in Chatsworth, now turned into shops etc!
These steep steps do not get any easier!
At last The Hunting Tower the hills are done!
Nice view back down to The House!
I used to run along this track years ago and was just remembering it when this runner appeared on the skyline!
At last a bit of "downhill" we took Boris the Defender down this stony track a few years ago!
These are some of the oldest oak trees in Chatsworth, reputedly over 200 years old.  The one in the foreground looks to have had a bad winter!
This is one of the pics on our website showing its spring growth rather than the Autumn leaves on the site
More bluebells in the woods
And to finish a gentle walk through the meadows then down the River Derwent again back home.  One of the best 12 mile walks around!!!! (A shade under 4 hours!) 

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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