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Friday 23 May 2014

Smart guns! & Boris gets new tyres

Smart gun technology
You can only fire the gun if it is within 10 inches of the watch in the pic which has an enabling system.  Sounds like a good idea? Not if you are the gun shop owner in the US who has received death threats from "pro gun lobbyists".  Something to do with "a threat to their rights to keep and bear arms"
One quation asked in the article is "can it be hacked" ?!   I suppose the gun is only as smart as the person who's holding it - - -

Sri Lanka - - that far off place we used to call Ceylon
hot and steamy at the best of times and having had many a book written about it
Here's one that is being dubbed Sri Lanka's forgotten novel "The village in the jungle" was published back in 1913 and written by Leonard Woolf a one time "Assistant Government Agent" of Hanbantota province.  The fascinating thing about the novel is that its written from the perspective of the indigenous point of view rather than the British colonial one, might have to get it! - - -
I now know what a "Slattern" is
Well at least if you believe the Mails article by Richard Littlejohn
I cant disagree with what he's saying about "White Dee" "surely a racist phrase lol" with her attitude to living off the state.
I also like his comments in the article about an, "over the hill" ex model,"Pouting Portia" who kicks out the bloke who her children call dad so that she can claim more benefits! - - - a good read if not good for the blood pressure! 

The express
comes up with "revelation" this morning about "migration being out of control" - - - stating the obvious really - - -
The top banners are interesting though.  The recently sacked Man U boss thumps a 23 year old in or outside a bar.  No doubt the "young man" said something that he "thought amusing" and Moyles didn't! - - -

UKIP might trigger, "A political earthquake" .  Obviously riding upon the wave of popular support from yesterdays election results, I fear it might just turn out to be, "Same old balls different racket" later - - -

Closer to home
The tedious rain is still falling this morning as it did yesterday
Having said that there was time yesterday to take Boris up to the logging area and test out his new front tyres.
 I had been warned at his last MOT that the front tyres would need to be replaced and even driving him down the semi metalled track near the logging area he would slide around.  So shod with his new tyres i ventured down a very steep slope to the area in the pic.  Its an avenue of Hawthorn trees that tend to overhang the track and need clipping back to avoid scratching Boris's paintwork.  He performed admirably! - - -

Sainsbury the tabby blotted his copybook last night by letting a mouse free in the bathroom!
I have set the humane trap by the tiny gap it disappeared under the bath at! - - -
Enjoy the day
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