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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Cat saves boy from dog! & Overnight rain

Great video this one
A family cat sees a dog attacking one of the children and Launches itself at the dog forcing it to let go of the boy and flee!
A follow up to the story is that the cat is going to throw the first ball in a baseball game.  - - - hope there are no dogs around!

Another "escape" story this one
a young child manages to squeeze through the railing on an 11th floor balcony and plunges to the ground.  The child cheats death by inches landing on some garden mulch rather than the concrete path only feet away.  - - -

Attacked underwater!
This is a pic  of a diver approaching another (woman) diver who has a video camera running.  The approaching diver pulls the regulator (air supply)n from the woman's mouth before swimming off.
The attack happened in Hawaii and its believed the attacker and one other, seen in the video were stealing coral or reef fish! - - -

Closer to home
My round of shifts at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) have been the usual mish mash of tedium and amusement.  The weather while I have been trapped in the shop has been fantastic prompting a rush on anything that could help with a barbecue!
Today (Tuesday) is a day off and in the night the rain came with a vengeance!.  I was hoping to get back to the logging area today where the trees are being felled but it looks like it might have to wait a day or 2.
This is how I left it on the 2nd of January.  The general idea is to carry on down the hillside clearing the bushes and trees.

In the garden
this time of year we get some nice views of the early morning mist in the valley
while early evening we spotted the Virgin Balloon with its passengers flying by.
in the front garden the Laburnum tree is in blossom and looks pretty good this year
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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