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Tuesday 6 May 2014

What happened to the whale? & Fun factory frolics

I picked up on this story a few days ago
An 80 ton, how do they know that!  Blue whale was washed up on a Canadian beach.  Obviously from the pic it looks set to explode and local folk are worried about the problems that might cause to their tourist season which is about to start!
The daily mail also ran the story although their whale was only 60 tons!
Googling the story now there doesn't seem to be a follow up on what happened - - -

 Another fishy story, is quite interesting however. ok a whale isnt a fish lol! 
Fishermen of Mauritania
as the story says Mauritania kind of conjurers up the huge expanse of deserts and be-turbaned blokes on camels.
This BBC article covers the men and their hundreds of wooden boats which are manhandled into the Atlantic ocean to fish the seas.

Worth a look - - - great pics - - -

Where are "your" 5200 gigabytes of information? This story answers that
Sony have developed a data storage tape that can hold 185 Terrabytes of information.  The story relates that by 2020 global storage of data will amount to 40 trillion terrabytes,  how do they work that out?  equivalent to 5200GB per person - - -

A couple of days ago the Express yet again was telling us that our house values were rising, - - - where am i going to spend all this money! - - -
The pic of "pippa's" behind is funny though, the French are saying she has a false one!  dont you just love the French! - - - 

While today's main headline reports yet "another" superpill that will having us living longer - - -

Closer to home
Our friend Lisa has adopted another lamb (Bertie) so that Napkin her other pet sheep can have a companion.  In the pic Bertie is tethered while Napkin tries to eat anything hanging off Boris.

The unusually mild weather of late prompted a rash of plantings from the greenhouse to the garden of peas and beans in the main.  We were however sent scurrying to the garden shed to find the "fleecy stuff" when the weathermen all predicted an overnight frost! - - - They were right and we only sustained a couple of leaf casualties - - -generally! we don't see frost after the 10th of May so fingers crossed.

Down at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) It has been decided that after 5 and a bit years that "I must take a 1 hour lunch break" I have always worked straight through from 0700 to 1500 with the 2x15 minute paid breaks.  I could see the point if I actually "handed over" to someone at 1600 but I don't.
The spin off might not be too bad though, my shift is now broken into 2 hour chunks with the 2x15 minute breaks and an hour for lunch. During the hour lunch break I am having a go at my book so hey ho - - -

The changing of hours blogged recently has caused a rash of leavings so we are now "recruiting" "flock on line!" to join out happy band! - - - The poor old night shift is taking some stick due to not "having the time" to complete the shelving of the overnight delivery.
So now not only does the place look like "z tip" in the morning after their departure the day staff colleagues are having to pick up the shelving job as well.  As usual though it will all get sorted I'm sure - - - ho hum - - -

Little Sainsbury the tabby
is intent on exterminating the local rabbit population by bringing in a seemingly endless supply of bodies during the night, still cant figure out how he gets them through the cat flap.  Admittedly he does eat most of the poor creatures, neatly snipping off the ears before crunching his way through the skull!  The pile of innards is always a joy to get rid of in the morning! - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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