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Thursday 8 May 2014

All about cars - well almost & here comes a storm

A woman crashes her car off a highway into a wooded area
in Colorado .  The car finishes up upside down and she is trapped inside.
She had been last seen on April 29th and was only rescued on April 4th!!  - - -
Not so lucky was a Naked man doing push ups ona road on Oregon.  Initially reported to the police he was later struck and killed by a passing car.  No doubt his reason for the naked push ups has died with him - - - 

The hi-tech wizardry put into cars of late is proving a boon for the car thieves
 in the pic this box of tricks is allowing thieves to gain access and steal cars without causing any damage and is ably demonstrated in a video on the article.  - - - i guess it had to happen sooner or later - - -

The recent "For Sale" notice on Blencathra in the Lake District prompts
 this story from the BBC and lists any number of other "famous" mountains apparently owned by all and sundry - - - worth a look if only for the stunning pics of said hills! - - -

The Express today is in "gloomy mode" about our weather predicting a coming storm set to "Batter Britain"

The accompanying
story to the headline does offer some evidence which might stand the test of time! - - - we shall see in the next 72 hours - - -

We have already had some pretty impressive storm fronts sweeping in over the last few days but the rain content has been minimal
We opted for lunch out Tuesday and the view from the car park at The Grouse looked very colourful

Collecting a little more wood for the winter store the other day was very pleasant and with the ground drying out now Boris will be able to take me down to the logging area which is in the middle of this pic
 I had noticed the resident swallows had returned to our friends workshops and in this pic i have drawn a rectangle around one of them having just flown under the gap in the closed door! good bit of flying! - - - 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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