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Wednesday 14 May 2014

Low energy light bulbs - not good for you! & some nightime entertainment!

I have long held a belief that sooner or later "everything is bad for you"
Age old "good food" the way we do things etc etc etc all these things seemingly will pop up as being "not good for you"
So here's one for the record books "Low energy light bulbs" could  Cause skin cancer and blindness !
The evidence is supplied by the "expert" in the pic John Marshall a man of some note in the ophthalmology field.  He even has a stock old fashioned light bulbs and will not use the new type at all!  - - - Lengthy article with lots of facts - - -

With the world cup in Brazil not far away - - - assuming the stadiums are finished!
This article discusses the Brazuca which is the name of the official ball for the competition. who came up with that name i wonder?,  "Experts" say the ball has improved "touch and accuracy".  The article is peppered with facts figures and opinions - - - just like a football game really! - - -

Following on from the "Handy" article yesterday by the BBC about "are you an owl or a lark.  Here's another pictorial extravaganza about "How do you find a good tradesman"
Matt Allwright (with a name like that he should be a self employed plumber!)
from the rougue trader programme presents the article which is quite informative.
We have first hand knowledge of a couple of local "tradesmen" who we imagined would want to have a go at renovating our bathroom.  Contacting "Number1" in October 2013 and going through the work which we wanted completed while we were on holiday in Feb 2014 in fine detail we.  Sat back and awaited the quote.  "Don't worry I haven't forgotten about you" he texted in Jan 2014.  Losing confidence in "Number 1" we e mailed  "Number 2" who 3 times said he would visit us "over the weekend" to "look at the job".
The holiday came and went and still to this day neither "Number 1" or "2" have bothered to contact us So "How do you find a good tradesman?" - - - DIY!
Having saved up the considerable amount of money for the project we looked around for something to spend the money on - - - Another holiday!!! - - - result!

The express 
had a good headline about our weather changing from its rather damp trend of late the other day- - - here's hoping they are correct

Closer to home
I had a bit of "nightime entertainment" courtesy of Sainsbury the tabby last night.
 as on most nights he was abroad terrorising the local wild life and as his his wont, bringing them home before devouring the poor things.
He announces his triumphs, mice in this case, with a few raucous mews as he bounds up the stairs and then "the fun begins"
Demonstrating his hunting skills he will let the mice go and then bound around the landing and bathroom in hot pursuit.  One of last nights poor unfortunates managed to get up behind a radiator which i had then to unhook from the wall to stop him scratching at it like he was playing a harp! The second one was a sprinter, spending time running from hiding place to hiding place with Sainsbury in hot pursuit for a couple of minutes! Finally peace and tranquillity descend and i drift off almost to sleep as the alarm go's off!

Having got soaked on my walk the other day i recovered my age old Ex Army waterproof from the attic yesterday and in the hope of giving it a fighting chance against the elements washed it in some "Tech Wash
This is another of those supposedly good products for making your "Waterproof" even more "waterproof"  so on my next day off when it rains i will give it a good testing!
- - - Don't you just admire an optimist! - - -

Tomorrow my shift pattern begins once more at the Fun Factory so i am taking full advantage today of what is forecast as a "sunny day".  Only a couple of little jobs to do before lounging in the sunshine! - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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