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Wednesday 28 May 2014

A Saharan Ski shop & even more rain

A Saharan ski shop?
It probably sounded like a good idea all those years ago when the excitement of skiing on sand in Niger was a tourist thing.
The owner of the shop had the idea after seeing Europeans skiing on the TV but after some initial interest and what with the current political climate in Niger its a no no - - -

House prices are rising again  its "official" this time not some Daily Express headline.
 well thats what this article will have us believe.
It does have the title of "House prices: the biggest bubble since the last one" The articles idea about generating tax revenue sounds quite reasonable though - - -

Meanwhile the real Daily Express headlines have yet once more caught my eye.

This one a "New way to fight dementia" you would hope to be credible

While this one is linked to a story published in January and repeated by the Daily Mail Yesterday shows the stupid situation we have been forced to accept!  No wonder UKIP scored heavily on the recent EU elections - - -

There's an interesting video of a balloon flight  to the stratosphere
The contraption looks a little "Heath Robinson" but the results are very good - - - worth a look - - -

Closer to home 
The weather - - - what else in the UK, dominates conversation with all the rain we are having.  There have been however a few bright patches where
The squirrel who last year had the almost hairless tail for a while raids the peanut feeder.
Sainsbury the Tabby cat watches us while catching a few early morning rays on top of the porch roof.  This used to be a favourite spot for old Tom when he was around
A brief sunny spell and this years trees are starting to be felled
and the last of the wood for next winter is stored safely away.  This is the front portion of Boris's car port.  with the real wood store just on the left of the pic.
While the curret pic on the "weather cam" makes me think it might be a "make and mend" day.
Back to the Fun Factory tomorrow (Matlock Sainsbugs) where there's a rumour about not getting colleague discount nor nectar points on alcohol - - - investigation needed! - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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