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Sunday 1 June 2014

Don't feed the pigeons John! & Trouble at t'mill!

I was told the other day that "it's 30 years since Eric Morecambe died", that bespectacled half of the  double comedy act, Morecambe and Wise who were a bit of an institution!
But here's a story from Morecambe that would have old Eric turning in his grave!
This old guy, John Wilkinson, has been feeding the pigeons in Morecambe for years.  He took over the task after a dying wish from his mother asked him to do so.  He's now in jail for 6 weeks for breaching an order forbidding him to feed the pigeons.  Ok the birds might be a nuisance but this is going a little too far!  - - -

Great video to watch here
Its of a bloke launching a paper aeroplane at England's football game with Peru at Wembley.
I wont spoil the fun by saying what happened just watch it. - - - probably one of the highlights of the match actually! - - -

The technology of 3D printing is rather fascinating
but this story attempts to let people know that printing 3D guns "are of no use to anyone".  The video showing the guns exploding when being fired by the "National Ballistics Intelligence Service" in Birmingham will no doubt fuel the imagination of 3D printer owners the length and breadth of the UK.  Determined to prove them wrong! - - -

Closer to home
There appears to be a little trouble at t'mill where I work.  That well known palace of bargains called Matlock Sainsbury's!  For a number of weeks now we have had a slow exodus of people disgruntled with the idea of "labour matching"
The idea is to have the maximum number of staff in the shop at the busiest times.  Sounds ok except switching their hours of work was not what some people signed up for and they refused to change.  After due process where management boxes have been ticked they have "left"
This has left the once merry band of colleagues with even more work to cover for the "fallen comrades".  I received the rough end of a customers tongue for not having the shelves full, a legacy of not enough colleagues on the night shift to work the delivery.  My answer to her "why" question was succinct and to the point.
We have however had "warm strokes" from the upper management thanking us for our "devotion to duty" in "these difficult times" with promises that a new intake of colleagues in June will resolve the "difficulties" we face - - - time to consider my options methinks - - -

The garden however is adopting its summer mantle a little early this year
with our foxgloves already beginning to flower.  Lupins which we never seem to have much success with but have tried again this year also have flower spikes appearing.
the view off to our North West has changed a little.  The flat topped tree in the pic used to be a magnificent towering Lombardy poplar, which appears to have had its top 40ft removed.
But wait a minute its the first of June and the cloud cover of recent weeks is gone could it be that we might see the sun today?
Our East facing yard cam gets the sun
while the West facing weathercam has a blue sky view ! - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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