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Saturday 21 June 2014

Yo - hacked & Midsummer day

The unlikely sounding message app "Yo"
has been hacked by a group of students .  The app allows users to send a message to friends with just "Yo" as the content.  As the story says the app has been branded pointless but has already raised $1m in investments - - - nice money if you can get it! - - -

We used to have a fishing industry - - - before we joined the then "common Market"
The main thrust  of the story is about an old trawler man who's one pleasure has been taken from him.  He used to have a net pegged out on the mud flats between Grimsby and Cleethorpes and would wander out to it at low tide to catch maybe 1 or 2 dover sole.
A new "By Law" now has informed him that if he doesn't remove his net "the authorities" will.  As the old guy recounts, people have been fishing this way as long as he can remember without a problem, "so why now?" - - -

For once a "task force" that makes
some sense! In the US just last winter they have recorded a 23% decline in Bee population.  An interesting fact in the story is that 25% of the food Americans eat is reliant on Bee pollination for its well being.
Lets hope it has some success - - -

To bring us down to earth though the Express has its usual crop of miracle cures
first off here's one for Alzheimers

Another urges us to take a walk to stop us getting Arthritis

Finally - - - here's a "bad for you" story - - its red meat this time

Closer to home
The pond plants had a welcome addition yesterday as we finally bit the bullet and bought a replacement Arum Lily for the one we used to have.  Along with all the other plants it fell into the pond around the time of our Autumn winds.  A tiny portion survived and is just about recovering but we thought a new one was required anyway
here i am "lurking" in the foliage trying to get it in the best spot
Here's a pic from this Midsummer Morning lets hope it stays clear as we are planning a day in the garden

I here that England is out of the World Cup - - - "ah well s'only a game innit"

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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