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Tuesday 17 June 2014

Lucky dog & Fun Factory woes!

This dog had a lucky escape
The story from New Zealand reports the dog rescued from a floating log after storms hit the area where it lived - - - The strange thing is though here are 2 different stories one from Sky News and one from the Metro newspaper
The sky story indicates the dog was picked up 30 miles out to see when clearly the picture (left) shows it only a few hundred metres form land.  The Metro story has the ring of truth about it because it shows the dog having been rescued by the Navy being transferred to a local boat to be taken back to the owners.  - - - The power of the press hey?  - - -

Hold onto your stomach for this one!
A Chinese woman had this tapeworm inside her and noticed odd secretions in her stools.  Traditional Chinese medicine managed to coax it out of her.  She caught it apparently through eating undercooked beef in January! - - -

Closer to home
This morning looks good for a bit of logging and its a lunch date as well so fingers crossed here's a view form the top of the garden looking South about 0600
Our older Cat Tom used to sit outside the kitchen window guarding his patch and Sainsbury seems to have taken up "his old post"
He was watching intently until he heard me in the kitchen!

At work its "all change" in the Bakery as one (former) colleague, "lets call him" Will gets his final final final warning interview and is asked to leave.  Never one for going quietly Wills then announced that he would not be sacked and announced his immediate notice and that he would not be working the usual 30 days and walked out. A number of colleagues wondered how long he might last when he first started - - - now we know

"There's more" though! another colleague, lets call him Danny who was Will's "Representative" at the meeting promptly hands in his notice although it looks like he might work his 30 day notice period - - - only time will tell - - -

Just to make things really difficult another colleague, lets call him Billy, turns up for work the day after the "England game" looking "really bad" and is sent home.   So we are 2 down right away and the situation is deemed dire enough to call into work the bakery boss,  "lets call him Craig" WHO IS ACTUALLY ON HOLIDAY!  I must admit to admiring his philosophical manner as I approached him singing "we're all going on a summer holiday" when I first saw him in.

The night shift continue to be "short" of people so its now "de rigueur" for me to have to work the night time delivery which leaves older stuff not "worked".  Eventually and inevitably older stuff will go out of date and be written off! - - -

The hours matching debacle rages on but looks to be nearing its end as a flock of bright eyed new colleagues are roaming the shop floor eager to please, there is also a large sign in the foyer of the shop indicating "this shop is recruiting" - - - I'm sure it'll all settle down for Christmas!- - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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