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Tuesday 10 June 2014

Making water out of thin air! & A bit of a downpour

Making water out of thin air
It appears that the technology has been around for a while but was always labelled as being, "expensive and inefficient".  An Israeli company "water Gen" seems to have made it work efficiently.
The breakthrough is even recognised by "Fast Company" in its list of "The worlds most innovative companies of 2014" listing - - -

Converting a Boeing 727 into a house
Bruce Campbell a former electrical engineer had a spare 10 acre plot hanging around, as you do!  He first had the idea of building a home out of "freight vans" but then decided a plane would be better.
There's no explanation of how he got the plane to his land but it cost him £130k to turn it into a home which he lives in for 6 months of the year.
He plans to buy and convert a 747 next and move it to Japan where he spends the other 6 months of the year, as you do! - - -

Speeding fines of £10k
This is bound to be an unpopular move!  Justice Minister Jeremy Wright claims that financial penalties "set at the right level" are an effective punishment for offenders"
There's mention of extending the "high fines" to drivers without insurance which has a ring of the sensible about it. One line from the story though is about "selling alcohol to a drunk person".  The fine is set to increase from £1k to £4k Does this mean we might have to be breathalysed before we can buy booze in a Supermarket?! Till operators beware! - - -

Closer to home
Our fish numbers in the pond have recently been reduced by 2.  Both fish belong to the "new arrivals" recently introduced and both have died from fin rot.
We are currently dosing the pond in attempt to eradicate the problem - - -

It was rather warm yesterday and rain was forecast so we took the short walk option around 10:00am
This Chaffinch on the stile was chirruping away as we approached it.
After crossing the stile we turned South and could see the approaching clouds with rain falling on the horizon.  In 10 minutes the clouds overtook us and light rain began.  As we arrived home the heavens opened and we received 5.6mm of rain in a very short while.  Nearby Nottingham though received 20mm in an hour so I guess we were lucky! - - - 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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