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Thursday 5 June 2014

Have you been mis-sold PPI? & Tornado!

Being heartily sick of the numerous phone calls and TV adverts asking "Have you been mis-sold PPI"
this article made me groan in disbelief.  It now looks like a whole crowd of people didn't get the full amount they should have.

Stand by for the next wave of phone calls and TV adverts, "PPI payout, did you really get what you deserved!?"  etc etc etc - - - - - -

At last here's something that seems to make a little sense Want to ward off allergies?
asks the article.  It then proceeds to tell you to eat food which may have fallen on the floor!
The whole point of course that in our pre-packed, shrink-wrapped super clean world people are growing up without a robust immune system.
Some interesting data is included to back up the idea - - -

The Android technology
takes a bit of a hit here  There have been lots of stories about the cryptolocker  virus attacking P.C's which should be sending everyone scurrying to back up their family photo's at the very least!
Now its the turn of the Android machines.  This nasty little virus name simplelocker locks up the SD card  by scrambling certain files and then a ransom needs to be paid to get your "data" back - - - take head, back up your bits offline now! - - -

Closer to home
Its time to prepare for Saturdays go at the Snowdon Horseshoe although the Met Office dont hold much hope for it being a fine weather walk! - - -

Yesterday's weather was rather dull so outside activities were restricted to driving our for lunch at The Grouse Inn at Froggatt.  looking South after lunch
Rain was falling and the clouds looked rather low and were swirling around even though the wind was not evident at ground level

Looking over to the west
This highly suspicious funnel was marching toward us, we watched it for a short while then beat a hasty retreat down into the valley to beat the Tornado!

Back home safe and sound we were settling down to watch the French Open on the TV when we heard a strange fluttering sound above the fireplace?  Wondering if one of the jackdaws from a nest in next doors chimney had fallen down ours we decided to investigate.
After laying out sheets to cover the furniture and floor nearest the chimney i removed the register plate cover.  This is normally an annual summer event to get rid of soot etc which falls down the 14 inch square chimney each winter.  I had neglected to do it last summer, being busy with unexpected projects, so expected quite a lot of soot/debris as well as a jackdaw!
luckily for the jackdaw it must have only been in the very top of the chimney and its flapping around caused the debris to fall making us think the bird had joined us. The register plate cover above shows some of the debris.  I manage to get covered in the rest - - -  lol .    Ah well one more job completed for this year! - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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