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Friday 6 June 2014

On your bike! & Its Sunny day but beware!

A politician of old in the UK coined the phrase "On yer bike" to get the unemployed back to work
This individual  could have been given the same advice by the guy taking the pic.  A bloke out riding his bike in South Africa, fortunately with a helmet webcam device running.  is stopped at gunpoint and robbed of his bike and other valuables.  The 3 robbers neglect to take his helmet and the camera and are arrested later when officiers review the video ! - - -

The American forces are "up in arms" ok ok lousy pun!
This article  has already got a lot of people hot under the collar because it refers to how only "African American" woman soldiers hair should look like.  Terms like "racially biased" are being bandied about and it looks like it might "run" for a while - - -

Make the most of todays sunshine
says the article in the Daily Mail and the pic above from an hour ago shows its looking good for today although the temperature then was only 3.6c.  The article refers to the predicted "deluge" of rain forecast fpr the weekend!

Closer to home
A walk around the Magpie Mine area the other day
gave us the usual spectacular pics
This roadside bush/tree was sporting its looks.  We have planted some of the trees seeds harvested on a winter visit but as yet the results are not producing anything like this.
The lambs near to the mine look younger than their lower down valley cousins.  Not surprising really as the area is quite high and exposed so spring comes a little later up here

Final prep today for the Snowdon Horseshoe walk today before setting off for the area later today.  The weather gods do not look to be with us!
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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