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Monday 17 March 2014

We're all doomed! & pond clear up time again

I'm not sure why Nasa has funded a study about the "irreversible collapse" we're all doomed! of our society, maybe they know something we don't or it was just that they had a slack couple of million dollars in the budget!

The story features this pic of "liberty" being submerged by the waves of our "collapse" - - -
The main thrust of the Mail article however is to point out rather tongue in cheek methinks that all this Nasa thinking and obviously $pending has only proved what Thomas Robert Malthus theorised back in the 18th century.  - - -

This next bit from the Metro will have you on the edge of your seat
A diver culling Lion fish off the Caymen Islands The article doesn't say why they are vulling them so here's a link explaining why had an encounter with a shark.  You see the shark in the shot and then some time later it appears in shot trying to bite the diver.
He fend it off with a prod as he surfaces and it keeps returning to have a go at him a number of times - - -

The Express, bless their cotton socks
has yet another miracle cure this time for Diabetes sufferers.  Some things never change - - -

Closer to home
Our pond plants had their early spring trim yesterday.  The leaking liner seems to be slowing down so we think it maybe silting up the small hole?
 Every year around August the southerly winds manage to topple the growing plants into the pond when they become top heavy.  So this year we are going to try fitting a guard from the bridge to somewhere around the right hand end of the blue rod in an attempt to stop it happening

Elsewhere we have been finalising our new beds
After clearing all the rubbish out of the ground we erected the small retaining wall and filled the void with soil and peat.  The idea is to grow runner beans up the trellis by the side of the shed.  We still need to finish off the very top of our pathway but that can wait awhile.

Sally is having a go at wine making
She is at the end of the fermenting stage and has added a clearing agent today.  My efforts in winemaking have always been less than successful and the taste has always been a little on the "tangy side to say the least.  I'm hoping Sally's effort will be a little more palatable! - - -

I received an e mail from a friend this morning who is suggesting the gang who did the 3 Peaks Challenge and then the 15 Peaks challenge get to-together in June to do the Snowden Horseshoe.  Its quite a gutsy walk so I'll think about it - - - should I shouldn't I? - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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