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Monday 31 March 2014

Comet lander checks in with earth? & A close call logging!

I'm not sure what to make of this one Comet lander checks in with earth
This "small probe" launched 10 years ago and it has been "asleep" for the last 3 but has just been woken up.
The whole idea is to land it on a comet named 67P although I presume the cost of this venture is a little more than 67p?
Why its actually doing all this is not revealed in the article although mention of it reaching and orbiting the comet in the first week in August is - - - - quick note added to diary for that week! - - -

Pavement parking 
I saw an example like the pic at left only the other day.  A bloke had to push a buggy with child into the road to get past a van parked on a narrow pavement.
When you read the article it all makes sense - - - but why is it "banned in most London streets" and not the rest of the country?? - - -

Mosquitoes -
The story along with this pic of a "mossy" lists 5 of the lesser known  "horrible" diseases the insects can inflict on man.
The short list of "Mosquitoe Facts" has a few gems non more so than there are an estimated 207 million cases of Malaria each year of resulting in 627,000 deaths!   - - -

Closer to home
We attended the Car boot as blogged yesterday
It a huge affair on top of a flat hill and armed with our list of 4 items we trudged around the lines of tables and displays of all manner of junk and gems!
Once again after about 15 minutes we had had enough but continued our search.  I managed to find a length of plastic hose that I want to use to have the rainwater run off from the shed directed into the pond. I used a short piece to connect our outside tap into the garden to allow wasy filling of watering cans.  Looking at it this morning it was blown up to almost twice its original diameter - - - obviously not "top quality" hose! - - -

The day was pretty sunny when we returned so as planned I popped up to our logging area to pick up some wood.
Napkin our friends pet sheep followed me down the hill to our log pile and as I unloaded the various bits of kit from Boris he would try to eat them.  Giving up on trying to shoo him away I put them back in the vehicle at which point he tried to nibble at various bits on Boris.  He eventually tired of this and went back to nibbling at the grass

Having successfully reduced some larger bits to firewood and loaded them into Boris i set about chain sawing some chunks that resisted my attempts to split them. Almost finished i spotted a couple of long stick so popped them onto the flat bit of tree trunk to saw them to the correct length - - - This is a risky manoeuvre at the best of times but on pieces as short as these it can be very dangerous.
In my case it was! the chain saw snagged on the stick see the slight cut on the stick this whipped it round under my foot and the chainsaw, still running hopped onto the top of my boot.
I had let go the throttle which applies the chain brake but the chain went right through the layers of the boot, the dark bit visible is my sock!  When i got back home i took off the boot and my sock had not been touched! very lucky - - -

Having settled down for a drink or 2 on our northern pergola I noticed a bumble bee on the front of one of our cameras. I had seen this before when trying to view the thing online and couldnt figure out why it appeared to be dark!
This particular camera has an Infra Red night vision light and i wondered if that might somehow be attracting the Bees?

Later on when viewing the camera at night I spotted sainsbury the tabby cat in hunting mode
He's watching for mice coming out of a wall to eat the bird food that's knocked off the bird table and feeders above!
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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