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Friday 28 March 2014

An "unaware" Drug smuggler & a few garden bits and bobs

This is a strange story of the drug smuggler
suitably in tears and with child in her arms professing that she knew nothing of the 138lbs of heroin in her luggage.  It has to be said its a little unbelievable but it will be interesting to follow the trail of the poor girls demise - - -

This video has to viewed
dodgy pic i know but this train comes thundering into O'hare airport station because the driver WAS ASLEEP!!!!!
The unbelievable bit of the story is that the driver also admitted falling asleep a month earlier.
This happened in Chicago - - - but its heartening to hear that the Chicago Transit Authority has said "it would reduce the speed of trains entering the station"  Er wait a minute if the driver's asleep surely they wont know what speed they are going? !!!    

This one is amusing  The UK future climate is to be all sorts!
Come on Met people we know this! its been going on for years and years, the UK weather has always been so unpredictable!
The UK Met Office have issued this story and it is peppered with the usual predictions quickly followed by the usual fudging!
e.g. "Summers are likely to be hotter and drier - - - but wash outs are still on the cards" If they would just say they aren't sure what's going to happen it wouldn't be so bad but we continually get what appears to be iron clad predictions followed by "ear splitting silences" when the real weather is the opposite of their forecasts!  - - -

Closer to home
Our unsettled weather! lol continues
We had been sitting out in the sunshine yesterday when clouds loomed and the rain started.  Making a dash for the small greenhouse at the top of the garden we sheltered thinking it would pass quickly.  15 minutes later it was another dash in the rain back to the house.

The recent demise of one of our fish means we will be once again today adding a treatment to the pond this afternoon.  Here's hoping no others show signs of illness - - -
The garden shows even more signs that spring is with us and in the greenhouse this morning
our grape vine is showing signs of life, if you click to enlarge the pic you can see than the spiders have started using the bud for a silk anchor point!
This is just one runner bean shoot in a tray Sally has prepared she will be delighted they have started to sprout
While the quince bush has had flowers for a while they look particularly vibrant this morning covered in their early morning dew.

One thing about our "unsettled" weather of late, it has allowed me to return to the labours of my book!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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