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Tuesday 4 March 2014

Good for you Tesco & bits and bobs

Good for you Tesco  as the company attempts to win back customers who have drifted off to cheaper stores.
£1 for 4 pints of milk is a 39p reduction from their normal price.  They trumpet the fact that this is going to be a long term price reduction rather than just a "sale promotion".  They also promise further reductions on other "essentials"

All my back slapping is a bit of a wind up though because of the Sainsbury's "Brand Match" spend over £20 and any branded items cheaper at Tesco or  Asda you get a voucher for the difference so we get the reductions anyway.  Living out in "the country" as we do its a round trip of 23 miles to the nearest Tesco/Asda/Lidl/etc so it makes sense to go the 3 miles to Matlock Sainsbury's! - - -

Having just returned from our holidays and remembering how we booked it all online its worth taking a
a look at this article on holiday scams where over £7m has been swindled from would be holiday makers - - - worth a read if you book anything like this online

The express is up to its normal speed again
where only the other day the Sunday Express was reporting that statins had as yet unknown side effects - - -

Closer to home
We had intended to start the pond repair yesterday , as previously reported the liner has a hole in it and the water was draining out.
The level had dropped around 6 inches and I marked the level the previous day only to find that it appeared to have stopped draining.  We had "presumed" the leak to be on the bottom due to the piece of slate falling in, however that is questionable now.
Being confused over the issue we elected to go for lunch at our favourite spot "the Grouse" at Froggatt as it was such a nice day
This was the view from the car park and we even managed a sit outside before returning home.  After a bit of time tidying up in the garden we sat in the sun on our new decking and decided that trying to find the leak in the pond was the "needle in the haystack" routine and it might be easier to just put in another liner in the summer - - -

That job decided we sat in the sun discussing more interesting issues like our trip to Canada in the Autumn and our next Winter Sun holiday - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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