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Tuesday 18 March 2014

Struck by lightening - nah! & Ubuntu again - well maybe

What are the chances of being struck by lightening
It obviously one of those questions you listen to but when you hear the odds 300,000 to 1 you relax a little.
As the article says though there are an awful lot of people on the planet!
The odds must be a bit skewed surely if you live in an area prone to lightening?  There's a link down the bottom of the story to a video showing a bloke being struck by lightening twice! - - - Mmmmmm

Sneezing into a trombone
The gentle brass rendition of the band is split by the trombonist sneezing into his instrument.  A must watch/listen very short video, I like the way some of the audience sit up in their seats when the noise erupts! - - -

I remember seeing something about this  this in an earlier article
It's all about nicknames - - - the original article sported the pic at left which was the BBC reporter in Mogadishu was issued his long awaited ID to see he had been given a nickname Timo Cadde - White Hair in brackets next to his real name.  It seems the Somali's like to have rude names?!
The article prompted this one  with some amusing anecdotes!

Closer to home
I spent some time yesterday correcting errors in my book The list had been supplied by Paul W who first suggested I write it and who has proofed my effort so far.  I must keep up the impetus and get on with it!

Today its a few hours in the Kitchen garden working for Peak Organics then off to lunch with Sally to our favourite spot up on the moors above Froggatt the Grouse Inn

I blogged not long ago about my ending my dalliance with Ubuntu the free operating PC system.  I had tried a couple of times before but not used as long as I did this time. I installed Windows 7 home premium on the netbook overwriting the ubuntu system.  It took me almost 3 days! to download and install all the updates, if you try and do it in one go it falls over too often.
Having got it up to date it runs like a donkey with 2 sore feet and the CPU will not run at less than 69%!
I have tried various tweeks from the internet but nothing seems to make it run better.  It originally had Windows 7 starter so maybe that was a lot leaner and would run better.
Anyway undaunted i'm backing everything up and reinstalling Ubuntu to run it as a dual boot system.  At least then If I need I can run Windows but essentially use Ubuntu the much faster OS of the 2!   - - - wish me luck! - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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