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Wednesday 26 March 2014

Met Police boss "Hasn't a clue" & First fish casualty of 2014

 The news that the Met Police boss
Sir Bernard Hogan has "no idea" what was in a load of shredded "corruption files" comes as no surprise as the sorry tale of the Met Police handling of all kinds of crimes descends into farce!
The hoary old chestnuts of the Stephen Lawrence and Danial Morgan deaths are once again paraded as examples of the sorry state of the Met as a force.  No doubt a couple of minor heads might roll but they will be forgotten and re-employed at some stage no doubt! - - -

A body boarder tipped his board over the edge of a dam wall at Porth Reservoir

and uploaded the result to youtube.  The description of "Dare devil performs mad stunt down giant dam" is stretching it a bit as the dam must only be 25 feet or so high.  No doubt it will serve as a challenge to another "fool" but maybe with a different outcome - - -

On the other hand - - - this video is worth watching
The River Zin in the Negev desert was the subject of a flash flood a few day's ago after heavy rain in nearby mountains.

I have seen this in the Omani desert around Salalah and it is really amazing to see first hand
Definitely worth a look at the video - - -

Closer to home
We spotted a fish looking "less than healthy" the other day so I netted it out and took a look.
The pic shows circled a case of cotton wool fungus, it was whiter than this when we first spotted it.  Yesterday I took the poor thing out of the pond and noticed it had developed fin rot as well.  The humane way of killing them is to put them in the freezer in some water and as the water cools they just slow right down and die.
We had been optimistic before finding this fish as the pond water is very clear after we introduced our second pump and filter a week or so ago.
Its not uncommon to lose fish in spring as for some reason they become "stressed" and that when the newly forming bacteria and other various diseases attack them. Fingers crossed we don't lose any-more - - -

My set of shifts at the "Fun Factory", the local sainsbugs has been quite interesting.  A new baker started but couldnt work in the bakery because he had not done his food handling course! - - - rather an odd thing not to have organised earlier as he was an internal recruit!

There have been more rumblings about this "labour matching" where people are having their hours changed with a fair number refusing to sign up for the new deal.

Sally has started her quest to get a part time job and visited the job centre to be surprised at the way everything works nowadays.  No long lines of boards with postcards on with job seekers shuffling between them.  Its all "online" now - - - lets see what comes from it.

Looking forward to my week of days off although the weather forecast doesnt look too exiting

I blogged about doing the Snowdon Horseshoe on the 6/7/8 June and that is now confirmed
but we might be a little thin on the ground if my mate cant make it and Ginny doesn't recruit any of the old team. The pic above is our group completing the knife edge on the 3rd day of the 15 Peaks in 2012.  I think we might give the edge a miss this time so I will be suggesting we approach the Snowdon Summit along the ridge in the left of the pic - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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