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Monday 3 March 2014

Barbie woman! & Boris has a sick day

Barbie lives!
Or so the story attached to this pic will have us believe.  Breatharianism a little known doctrine is where you exist on air an sunlight alone - - - the whole story sounds implausible and the story relates the starvation deaths of some of the advocates of the "religion"
The girl reckons to come from outer space - - - I think that explains a lot!

I picked up on this story while we were on holiday and its a survival story about Douglas Mawson

He was more of an Antarctic explorer than just interested in reaching the South Pole.
The story makes gripping reading and in one part tells of Mawsons late return to his rendezvous point with his ship only to see it disappearing over the horizon.  The consequences of this meant he had to stay in Antarctica for another 12 months before the ship returned! - - - worth a read

This story relates how a hermit was paid $1.7m to move out of room detailed in a book called "House of outrageous fortune"
The story revolves around the development of an old New York hotel which was knocked down and then replaced with luxury apartments. There's an impressive list of celebrities who live there now which somehow makes sense to the enormous amount of money paid to 3 old hermits who refused to leave the building in order to allow the project to start.  Interesting to note that one of them gave a false name and turned out to be the sone of General Douglas MacArthur

I see the media circus is in a frenzy around the start of the Pistorius trial in South Africa.
Most will remember he shot his girlfriend through a toilet door last year thinking she was an intruder.
It will be an interesting story to follow and the details of the case are covered in various newspapers.  - - -

Closer to home
We were going to initiate the project to mend a hole in the pond liner yesterday but the weather and another more pressing task popped up.
"Boris", my wife's beloved Land Rover Defender demanded some attention.
These vehicles are stolen in our area quite often and we are even on the police notification list when a theft has taken place.  We had removed a wheel and put it in my little van in an attempt to put off any thieves and I thought I would just pop it back on and whip down to the shop in him before starting on the pond.
The central locking failed to open and the upshot was that the battery was absolutely dead.  It took some time to find the trickle charger and when we connected it there was a strange ticking sound.  When a little power was restored to the battery the intruder alarm was sounding.
Giving up on the trickle charger we jump started him managing to switch off the alarm which was now blaring out once he started. We then reverted to the trickle charger in order to get the battery up to speed.
My theories are that maybe someone tried to take him but even in the middle of the day I would have thought the ear splitting sound of the alarm would have been heard by someone and on our return we would have been told.  He has a tracker fitted and it could have drained the battery but it never has in the passed in such a short time.  The only other thing I can think of is maybe some electrical "thing" was left on or the strange angle of the vehicle due to the removal of the wheel had something to do with it.
Hopefully he will start this morning and I will take him on a run to charge the battery fully and take it from there in order to track the problem down.  Here's hoping the rain stays away this morning so we can get the old pond dug out to enable us to fix the hole in the liner"
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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