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Wednesday 5 March 2014

No don't eat meat and cheese! & No new job for me

"The "Bad for you brigade" are out in full force on this one, meat and cheese is bad for you say "scientists".
Its an American study and lets face it our UK diet doesn't match but is sliding that way with youngsters.  Poooh Pooh says Dietician Nicole Berberian  The study lasted 20 years on over 6000 people over 50 years old.  Over 50? well you would expect them to be "Falling off the perch" for a variety of reasons at that age wouldn't you?
Lets face it if the "experts" had their way they would declare that "Living is bad for you"

Corrie Kev gets chopped  shouts the Daily Mirror headline while this old Mail story carries this pic of him and 2
of his "helpers" in his downfall, booze and coke!
The trial and subsequent sex allegations have been taking their toll on him and he now appears to have had "crisis talks" with the soaps bosses
Strange to relate that there's no mention of this story in the Mails online "celebrities" section?

Another No 10 cover up  has taken off in the form of the arrest of one of the PM's "oldest friends" Patrick Rock.
Here he is looking like he's creeping into church on a Sunday when the Mail story alleges that he was arrested on child porn charges 3 weeks ago as well as allegations about sexual harassment of a high flying civil servant some time ago - - -
Go's to show you don't even know anything about you "oldest friends" ! - - -

Closer to home
Last day off for me today and I'm determined to go up to our logging site and check that our stacks of wood are still covered up after the earlier storms.  In doing so I will pick up a load of wood to help top up the dwindling wood shed level.
This pic shows the scene of one stack just before Christmas so i expect there will be some exposure after the recent storms.
The new pond liner has been ordered in the "winter sale" although it will probably not get fitted for a while.  Fish get very stressed apparently in spring so we might have to wait a while before we fit the new liner.

This was the scene in June 2010! - - - hey ho all that fun again!

I learned the other day that my interview for the HR job at the Fun Factory had "been unsuccessful this time".  I thought the interview, conducted by the HR manager went well but had the impression I was just "making up the numbers".
I was asked how long I had worked at the shop and if I drove a car because the training was at another store.  Surely if the interview had been "serious" This information would have been with my application in the hands of the interviewer, or am I being too picky?. - - - back to the bread stacking for me then! No sour grapes you understand lol - - -

I'm ditching my dalliance with Ubuntu the Linux computer operating system.
Its been interesting and i have managed to get to grips with it.  Some of the applications are, in my opinion better than the windows equivalent.  The issue I'm having is I have an armful of computers, except for this one they all run on Windows so I think its best to pull it back into line with all the others!

Twas a sunny afternoon yesterday so I went for what i call my "Round Robin walk" down by the river one of the "harbingers" of spring was evident in the form of the new wild garlic shoots appearing
 A little further up river though the toll of the recent storms was evident
Parts of this "mighty Oak" also took a battering and attempted to flatten the stone walls around it in the process
While this pathway will take some clearing
Out of the woods and on the way home the sky looked pretty spectacular
This mornings sky has a "Red sky in the morning shepherds warning" look about it - - - fingers firmly crossed methinks! still below freezing just now!
Onwards and Upwards!  

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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