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Sunday 2 March 2014

Back home! & Its pond repair time!

The flight home form the holiday was fine and even with the stop in Abu Dhabi didn't seem too long.  We picked up Sainsbury the cat who charmed the people in the cattery with his friendly attitude.
By 1900 jet lag had kicked in and our midnight time in the Maldives brains told us to go to bed.

Thankfully I managed to stay asleep until 45 minutes before my normal getting up time so after sorting all the holiday pics on my home computer i sit here contemplating the day -- -

Reality is back with a bang as I peruse the usual horror stories in news media but trusting in my gut feeling I see the Express is bringing my feet back on the ground

Millions of people are on statins hailed as the "wonder drug" my words not long ago by this very paper.
Makes you wonder what's in the story but contemplating the days tasks ahead i choose not to bother with it.

So after a fantastic holiday at Kurumba
 and with plans firmly in place to return next year after saying 2 years ago we wouldn't be going back, lol its onwards and upwards.

Our pond it turns out did sustain some damage when a large piece of slate fell into it from our waterfall feature. looking down into the clear water yesterday i can see the slate also took a large plant pot with a small rose bush in with it! A neighbour has been topping it up but it was 6 inches below its normal level yesterday when we got back.
The plan is to dig out the previous pond which we filled in and used as part of the garden and line it with some plastic.  We then transfer the fish (Today) and filter/air machine and then let the old pond just drain down so we get some idea where the leak is.  That's a great idea unless its right on the bottom which is likely!
Turning it over in my mind as I gazed at the draining pond yesterday I rather fancy utilising whatever good pond liner is left and making the deep bit shallower and smaller.
  In this pic the deep bit is on the far side of the bridge. At the very top of the pic and to the right of the bridge centre is the 2 ft long piece of late that fell in!  Thankfully the bit to the left of the bridge centre was removed some time ago. 

Another task which needs attention but only £s to achieve a result is to replace my La Crosse W2350 weather station which malfunctioned virtually the whole time we were away.
It annoyingly has never worked properly as soon as the winter arrives showing this pic on the website for the current weather data.
The resolution to the problem has to be a physical button push on the console which was a tad difficult from the Maldives.  Even this resolution and changing batteries in the transmitter which i had replaced 3 days after i originally bought it, now appears not to resolve the issue.  Will I buy another W2350 - - - very unlikely!

So staring out at the falling rain is not getting me anywhere so I will fold up all my washed holiday clothes and set to on the days tasks - - - spending some £'s online for a new weather station first! - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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