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Monday 24 March 2014

Dont look down! & Challenging customers at the fun factory today!

If you don't like heights don't click on this link
The story covers taking down the cranes that helped build the Shanghai Tower at 2070 feet its the second tallest building in the world - - -

The pic shows a drug bust
but reading the article accompanying it is a tragic tale of heroin addiction.  Addicts buy heroin at $10 a bag and the video shows "the transaction"
Saddest part of the tale apart from the death from an overdose of a fresh faced 17 year old "Stephanie" has to be Greg & Stacey.  Living rough they have 3 kids which they cant look after - - - so sad

Dopey MP of the week award has to go to Patrick Nulty
odd shaped head!  He took to facebook to destroy his political career by amongst other things asking a 17 year old if she had "ever been spanked" !!  - - -

This tale (no pun intended!) took some believing
This dog apparently has OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Quite an interesting article but you have to sit back and think how much is being made up by the "experts" and will be disproved later

Closer to home
Sunday was a reasonably warm sunny afternoon and Sainsbury was enjoying chasing the odd fly on the new decking
This morning however a sharp frost and -2.9c temperature made us realise that winter is still with us
The daffodils looked a little sad but recovered once the sun warmed up the day
Down at the fun factory it was "A challenging " morning as we seemed to have pulled in all the ignorant shoppers from miles around

A particular arrogant and rude "Gentleman" accosted me and launched into a diatribe about an item he had "Bought from here before".  A suggestion that we might look at the shelves again was rewarded with an "I can assure you its not there".  I said I would check the item in the computer and let him know the result.  The search not only confirmed we didn't have it but that it was not an item Sainsbury's sold! .  When I told him "we don't sell this item" he again argued  he had had it before.  I replied that "I wasn't saying that, what I was saying was, we don't sell that item" He just "harumphed and walked off.
Later a "Lady" accosted the instore cleaner and demanded he "Go and get me 4 tins of Coronation Milk"  Obviously meaning Carnation Milk I was enlisted to explain we did not sell "Carnation milk" but had the Sainsbury version of it.
Ignoring my explanation she then went off and accosted one of the girls on the self scan check out and demanded she "Go and get me 4 cans of Coronation Milk" I was asked by the girl what she could be wanting and I suggested giving her the Sainsbury's alternative.  This placated her but she still made rude comments at the checkout girls about the service and why didn't we stock "Coronation Milk"  - - - hey ho!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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