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Friday 7 March 2014

good call! & wood picking

flood plain building to be blocked whaaat!
This is one of those stories that when you think about it for even a "very short while" you have to ask who the hell gave permission to build houses on a flood plain without having a really good drainage system being the "most important" part of the project.  A quote from the story "It all seems so daft" says it all i think - - -

Take cover! should be the headline here
a "Huge" asteroid the size of 3 double decker buses hurtles past earth but much closer than "initial estimates" who are these people that got it so wrong in the "initial estimates" we should be calling injury lawyers 4you! lol

Sydney gets some of the rain
Fantastic pic of a storm sweeping over Sydney how dare they steal some of our rainy weather!
We do seem to be having less of the rainy stuff but no we are seeing the aftermath of the flooding with people returning to their homes on the Somerset levels and presdicting the clean up will take until September! sad - - -

Closer to home
I visited the logging area and luckily all the covers for the wood stacks were in place
here is next years stack all snug and dry

I took Boris up to the logging area to check the stacks and I did a bit of wood picking to top up our wood shed 2010 vintage this stack!

In the "Kitchen Garden" a row of Apple trees have been planted
The idea is that they are planted at a 45 degree angle and then attached to a frame to assist in the support of the trees

The furthest away are cookers and the nearest half eaters

The final piece of the dry stone walling is being completed and i'm happy to say that some of our money from our land acquisitions is helping to pay for the construction!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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