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Thursday 20 March 2014

The great cash machine tunnel! & Algorithms dont always work

Thieves dug a 50ft tunnel to raid a Cash Machine at a Tesco Express and filling station
The amount of cash they got away with is not disclosed and it looks as if they might also have been responsible for another similar raid in 2012 a few miles away! - - -

The daily express

has a sensible headline for a change promoting the budget joy for pensions and saving announced by the Chancellor yesterday. - - -

Closer to home
With the weather still being kind yesterday I did my "Round Robin" walk and noticed
The wild garlic Ransoms are getting bigger
The view from half way around the walk looks pretty good, this is looking South from just above Rowsley

We took delivery of some garden furniture yesterday for our Northern Pergola!
Sally gave it a test drive and of course today the weather is quite windy and rainy so the waterproof covers also got a thorough testing!

Back at the fun factory today on my first shift of the Sainsbury's New Year to learn that we will get our full 2.5% bonus from last year after passing the various tests in that period.

A colleague, "lets call him Glen",  was expounding his theory about one of our test, "MAC" which means Making Availability Count.  At any time the "MAC Lady" can appear and check certain lines we should have on the shelf.  We are then scored as to the result, the accumulated score counts towards the bonus we receive at year end.
  Glen had taken all the data from the "Last Sainsbury Year" and popped it into his new version of Microsoft XL and produced an algorithm to predict when the "MAC Lady" would next appear.
Don't worry he said "she's not due until Monday"  he told me earlier in between me telling him he really should "get out more!"
He looked a tad crest fallen when she walked in today (Thursday) at 1330! - - - Mmmmm algorithms don't always work!

The recent round of "labour matching",  changing of peoples hours, is causing some headaches with a number of people refusing to accept the proposed changes and threatening to leave - - - hey ho
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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