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Friday 1 November 2013

Paying too much for your fuel? & we survive Halloween!

The recent price rises in Electricity and gas will hit some people over the winter this Sky News story reports how MP's grilled the "big 6" over their business practices.  Apparently E. ON who have yet to announce their increases have asked the PM for a competition enquiry to investigate the industry to help "reassure customers"
That sounds a bit rich to me when you look at a quote from a company I have not heard of before, Ovo Energy  Ovo's boss says he cant understand why prices are rising because he gets gas at 5p a therm cheaper than he did in 2009!  Sounds like we are getting ripped off.

Petrol and diesel prices have dropped in the supermarket filling stations
 Asda swallowed the pill and all the others look to be following it would be nice if it went lower or at least stays where it is now but it will be interesting to see where it go's next

A dogs tail wagging can indicate if its happy or nervous
Sounds as if a lot of time and effort has been spent on something that looks fairly obvious!

Here's a Stroy from Metro  to make you turn up your toes.  A bloke gets a spider stuck in is ear, pretty scary but especially so because he is an arachnophobe
 Things get worse though when he went to the doctor and on extracting it from his ear it promptly runs up his left nostril!!
We managed to survive Halloween with minimal visitors and handed out very little of our "treats".  Ah well more for us to snack on!
Sally always likes to carve a pumpkin and her's this years effort in the window just before dusk

In the garden we left the grapes a little too long on the greenhouse vine so its too late to have a go at making wine this year.
I clipped out all the foliage and rottting grapes and they can go into the compost bin.  On the extreme right of the pic you can just see a white thing on one of the shelves.  Thats my IP camera which is one that can be controlled by the user.  I'm in the process of introducing it onto the website which might be interesting to see if people use it!

The weather has deteriorated and its been raining quite a lot today.  The pond is getting a good flush through form the run off water and the fish love it.  The garden however just looks to be a little waterlogged!
The nice thing about our garden in the rain though is how magnificent the lakeland slate always looks when its wet!
Enjoy the day

Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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