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Sunday 10 November 2013

Falling Satellites wont hurt you! & Getting a little colder now

This Typhoon in the Phillipines looks serious
Its being billed as the largest ever seen with winds in excess of 200 mph!  Todays papers are reporting that 10000 could be dead while the typhoon is now heading for Vietnam

If you here something go thud in the garden it could be the latest piece of space junk  heading our way
the boffins say it should partially burn up as it enters the atmosphere although a piece as big as a car engine could hit the ground Reassuringly though the boffins have said "it is not thought that it will cause any casualties!"  - - - idiots!

Cute little pic on this Metro story
It had to have a leg amputated for some reason or other so it was fitted with a wheel from a lego kit!!
get it? lego! Mmmmmmm  -- -

Nearer to home it is getting a little colder we have had a good frost 2 days running,
This was the frost pattern on my vans windscreen yesterday its looking the same this morning
In the afternoon we were on a motorway and drove into the edge of a rainstorm.  Over to our left it looked really far more intense while up ahead you could see the edge of it and the blue sky.

Remembrance day today so spare a thought for our/your Armed Forces people, past, gone and serving!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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