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Sunday 17 November 2013

Hey Padre got any crack? & "I don't like sick I don't like sick"

Another blow for the church comes with the revelation that Reverend Paul Flowers  put both feet firmly
in his mouth when he was caught on film buying drugs.  Not only is he a minister but he was also chairman of the Co-op bank when it nearly went under.  He's been a drug user for ages and even brags about it! why why why does it take so long to expose these plonkers!  Guaranteed he will be in another position of trust within 12 months!

Follow this Metro link to see a very short but funny video of a childs first encounter with an icy puddle!

Another of those stories that make you think Whaaaat!  A Fijian who has served in the British Army for as number of years was refused permission to stay in the UK when he left the Army because he didnt fill in a form!
Thank goodness common sense finally won through and after a month in a detention centre he was granted "settlement in the UK" No wonder he said he "felt betrayed!"

Another "foot in mouth disease" idiot is Melissa Bachman
 Here she is posing with a lion she's just shot!   Whaaaat! The strange thing about the story is that she shot the lion in South Africa and a petition to prevent her returning there has been signed 13,000 times.
The story is peppered with pics of this idiot with her trophies.  Surely the question has to be asked though is why is South Africa letting people like this shoot their heritage from under their feet!!! - - -

Closer to home.
The shifts down at the Fun Factory (sainsbugs Matlock) have been a little less challenging lately as we seem to have lost most of our managers.  The shop manager is on holiday and the second in command has just been signed off sick for a while.  In a "normal job" all the other managers would close ranks and get on with it.  In the Sainsbugs world though they parachute managers in on a seemingly daily basis.  So its a case of "Whos he/she?" and then get on with it!

We get a range of requests for items as the shifts roll by and for the most part they are your standard stuff.  The other day though I was nervously approached by a lady asking for Xanthan Gum.  "Oh yes" I replied and took her to the Free From section where it was displayed.  She seemed surprised I knew where it was but I must admit I had no idea what it was used for so so here's the wiki on it

This afternoon I had already clocked out and was "on my way" when I heard a conversation about "where is the bodily fluid disposal kit".  Someone had been sick by the checkouts and the "correct procedure" swung into action.  The Commercial Manager, lets call him Adam swiftly located the kit designed for safe removal of "Bodily fluids", and employing the first principle of "delegation" pressed it into the hands of the duty shop manager, lets call him James to get on with it.  As I swiftly descended the stairs back into the shop all I could hear was James protesting.  I dont like sick I dont like sick!"
After grabbing a couple of items from the shelves I was heading for the self scan and observed James with a wrinkled nose and a "package" held at arms length scurrying off to the bins!  - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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