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Monday 11 November 2013

What the hell's a bitcoin anyway? & Burning the twigs

"Major bitcoin theft from website, claims owner"
says the headline  4100 bitcoins worth allegedly, £650k were stolen from a website in 2 attacks.  What the hell's a bitcoin anyway I thought?  Even after reading Wikipedia I was none the wiser so looked a little further.  I have to agree with this writer whos article is entitled "Why dollars are better than bitcoins (and always will be).  As usual some of the comments below the story make sense or not! - - - 

What was that noise? - - - Hey! look what i found in my garden!
Only joking but it would appear the space Ferrari as it was dubbed fell to earth without decimating any of mankind.  Re: my blog of yesterday!  Cue boffin dancing in the street chanting "told you so!" 

LINUX for the uninitiated is a free PC operating system unlike Windows which you pay for one way or the other.  In the past I have dallied with LINUX but always in the end given up in frustration and returned to Windows at not having the thing working correctly.  You can install it alongside windows just to try it but I even did this once and ended up having to buy a copy of windows XP to revive the PC I was using.  
I set myself a goal to crack it "this time" and installed a version of it on a netbook I have. 
No messing about, and biting the bullet I installed it so it wiped out the copy of Windows 7 which was on the netbook.  After only one glitch when the wifi didn't appear to work everything was fine and I loaded this and that on it.  The interface has come on in leaps and bounds since I first tried it many years ago and its a lot easier to understand. There is a long list of software rivalling or exceeding in some instances the "windows versions"  so well worth a look at 
I get ribbed for the number of PC's I have though and trouble is they are all on windows - - - - Now where did I put that copy of XP  

In the garden yesterday having been surprised at the number of branches our recently chopped down hawthorn tree left behind we decided to have a bonfire!  The day was cold but exceptionally sunny with a clear blue sky, you know the type of day, when its good to be outside in winter?  
Armed with some dry wood and a fire-lighter we set too on the task.  
40 minutes later, nearly a litre of white spirit plus a heat gun for draught the fire is crackling away!  Here Sally wrestles with a branch from the pile.  The branches were reduced in length because we didn't want too large a fire because it was on the Organic Garden land which the girls had kindly agreed we could use for the burning.  
Another hour later and the last of the twigs are being consumed.  The sun is still with us so we sit on the small wall by the end of our fence and have a beer.  
Enjoying the sunshine we decide to have a bottle of wine and after retreating to the summerhouse/greenhouse Tom joins us having negotiated the exit of the new "chip and pin" catflap" (going back in might be a bridge too far just yet) and we all sit in the summerhouse enjoying the last rays of the sun as its sinks below the valley rim.  All in all a very good day - - -   
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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