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Monday 25 November 2013

Antarctic Ex in the doldrums & bits and bobs

Apologies to anyone following the misleading "latest blog"link from our website of the last couple of days, I changed the banner pic on the index page and forgot to update the blog bit before publishing it.

The papers are full of the woes affecting the "walking With The Wounded" expedition not least because Prince Harry is taking part in it
The first let down was their delay at getting flown into the base camp and now bad weather is stopping them acclimatising and getting in some practice skiing.  Makes you wonder if its all just going to end in tears - - -

An American teenager spent weeks in hospital suffering from concussion after playing lacrosse
He had little talent for any musical instrument before his hospitalisation but on his discharge he realised he could play music easily by ear.  He now plays 13 instruments well - - - amazing what's hiding in your brain and might never have a chance at coming out?  - - - 

Here's one of those stories that make me wonder what planet we are really on!  Compensation being paid TO Women RAF recruits for being made to march like/with men!  Whaaaaaat!  

Several weeks of being made to march alonside mail colleagues lead to them developing spinal and pelvic injuries!  The sad thing about the ruling is they got, £100,000 which is more than some soldiers get for being injured in battle?!!!! - - - 

Nearer to home.  
The Legal Aid "fiasco" where I am being chased for a 17 year old debt of £31.73 I never knew I had takes on another twist.  I phoned legal aid who said someone would ring back the following day which they didn't.  I fired off an e mail to them and they, "promised to reply in 5 working days" and they haven't.  
The Debt Collecting Service, a company called Fredrickson International have sent me a letter stating, "YOU MUST CONTACT US NOW ON 0845 0349812 to discuss the matter further" and that all communication about the repayment of the debt "must now be with us"  
What is strange though about the 2 documents I have received in the post, one from Legal aid and one from Fredricksons is not only have they both misspelled one of my names but the return addresses on the back of the envelopes are the same!!!!????? - - - I think I smell a rat!  

My winter logging activities are moving along although I had to replace my chainsaw guide bar the other day having damaged it when it became stuck in a branch I was cutting.  Mind you it probably was about time it was renewed anyway so no problem there.  
The weather forecast today looks like it might let me get a couple of hours in.  

Tom our older cat 
is still going strong although he has taken to using the litter tray which previously he always shunned, rather than going outside and he's rather skinny now.  I suppose the one thing in his favour is he's still eating everything in site which is probably keeping him going! 

So its a couple of hours on "the book" and then out to the logging site.  
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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