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Tuesday 5 November 2013

Lucans Daughter speaks out & bits and bobs

The story years ago about how Sandra Rivett (Lucans childrens nanny) was murdered the same night as he dissapeared never to be seen again hit the headlines big time.  Now his daughter Lady Camilla Bloch
who is a QC "insists the evidence against her father was circumstantial"  The Mail  story is full of facts and quotes about his disappearance and the fact he has never stood trial etc etc etc.  Theres a 2 part TV programme being aired soon and the "family" are having nothing to do with it.  Lucans ex wife is quoted as saying "My husband committed suicide because he was an honourable man" - - - surely the "honourable" thing to do would have been to "defend himself in court"  - - -

Purely for the quote from MP David Davis in another Mail story "Dont trust me (or any other creature of the state) with control of the press".  - - - I don't think many people have trust in the "creatures of the state" even to run the country let alone control the press other than for their own ends!

Yet another Mail story about spiders in sainsburys bananas
A great story where a lady buys the bananas only to see what she thinks is a bit of mould on the skin turn into Brazilian wandering spider babies.  A nasty poisonous beastie when full grown and the outcome of the tale is that Sainsurys had to move the family from the home and fumigate it to rid them of the spiders as well as compensating them for their trouble.

Strange though that as i wandered in for my shift yesterday at the local sainsbugs the duty manager knew nothing about it.  I did hear later that some bananas had been "withdrawn" but could see no evidence of it.  Even the grocery guys knew nothing about it!

I mentioned in my last blog that one of the bakers, lets call him "Sam" is going off to be a plasterer.  Well blow me down if the day after handing in his notice he doesn't go and fall sick and gets signed off for 3 weeks! - - - Get well soon Sam!

The recent disappointment of not receiving our "sureflap" microchip operated cat flap was tempered by receiving one by next day delivery through Amazon from Online pet doors yesterday but also confirmation from Amazon of the refund from the CoreSales order failure.
An interesting twist to the delivery by http://www.dpd.co.uk/  is not only do you get a tracking number like most parcel services.  You can track where your named driver is giving you a very narrow window to need to "hover" by the doot in order not to miss the delivery - - - very efficient.

I was hoping to go logging today due to the previous day being very crisp and sunny however the "rhythm of the falling rain"  at 0530 put paid to that unless it clear up significantly soon.
The girls at http://peakorganics.org.uk have been really busy with their organic garden project.  More trees have been felled the dry stone wall-er has appeared on site and the garden is taking shape.  There's just one final bit of boundary "negotiation" to resolve and it will be full steam ahead.
I promised to bag a little soil for them to enable it to be moved form one end of the project to the other so I guess I can have a go at that between the rain clouds.

- - - Must do a little bit on the book today! - - -
Enjoy the day
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