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Tuesday 12 November 2013

Taste the difference Newts at sainsbugs! & an Organic day for me - - minus newts!

"Taste The Difference" or TTD as its known down the shop meant something completely "different" when a shopper found a newt in her TTD Salad in this Mail story
Katherine wood a strict vegetarian was the talk of the office when she discovered the newt in her £2.50 lunchtime meal.  After taking it back to the shop she bought it she was given a £25 gift card.  She hass although said "I wont be shopping there again"  

The papers are full again of the terrible devastation from the Typhoon in the Philippines.  The Daily Star however carries a headline that the storm is set to "batter Britain" at Christmas with this pic on its front page.
Their take on it is that the fallout from the typhoon will bring "storms high winds and freezing temperatures"

I have seen stories where people have had lists of things "to do" before they die.  Well on the other side of the coin this escapade would sit firmly on the top of a list of things I "wouldn't do"  Swimming from Lands end to John O Groats was recently completed by this man
Sean Conway had to grow the "ridiculous beard" as he calls it to stop the jellyfish stinging his face on his epic 135 day trip.  10 out of 10 Sean what are you up to next?

In Glasgow there's a statue of Wellington which regularly has a traffic cone placed on its head
The city fathers decided that it projected a "depressing image" of Glasgow and determined to raise the statue in order to stop the practice.  It its though the £10,000 cost of removing the cone a 100 times a year that seems a little "depressing"
Health and safety came to the rescue in the guise of the fact that raising it might injure the perpetrators of this heinous crime falling from the statue,  so the idea has been dropped Mmmmmmm - - -

The "space Ferrari" has one last showing in the news before it plunged into the South Atlantic one presumes with this pic from the Falklands
Falkland Islander Bill Chater snapped this and video of the satellites last moments.

Here's hoping for a reasonable day today when I help out on the Organic Garden project with a bit more digging around what used to be an old pig shed.  Over the weekend some of the cut down weeds and small branches were burned so we might be able to traverse the area a little easier.
The dry stone wall is taking shape so I will pop a few pics of it in tomorrows blog
Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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