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Wednesday 20 November 2013

Your chickens in 4b & Linux up date and off to the Lakes Tmw

This is one that you have to smile at!  When you see the postcard form the postman that he needs a signature for a letter or whatever it normally means a trip to the PO or rearranging a further delivery!
Not in this case its a note to say the postman saw the persons chicken escaping!  

Imagine walking your dog down by the river and all of a sudden you see £20 pound notes floating in the river 
The story relates that an unnamed person found £60k floating about in a Spalding river!!  - - - nice 

My dalliance with the Linux Ubuntu Operating System  continues apace and I'm getting to really like it.  I cant seem to get the PC its on appearing on our home network but right now that's no big deal.  I suppose a real far away future goal would be to get the website working on an Ubuntu machine - - - Mmmmmmm! 

Logging yesterday was a real cold and frosty affair but quite enjoyable. 
The sun hadn't reached the lower area I was working in and I tried to cut up the stuff in the picture only to realise it was frozen solid!  So I went up to the group of trees in the sun 
The Autumn/winter colours and frost are well in evidence in this pic 
 This magnificent Holly tree is definitely not for chopping down as its a favourite of Jim the bloke who owns the land.  In fact its 2 trees, a female with the berries right next to a male (behind in the pic) which helps for pollination.  We might just snip a few bits off for Christmas 

So its off to the Lake District tomorrow for an overnighter cant imagine what the weathers going to be like 
Cant be true if its on the front page of the express - - - can it?  - - -   nice pic of Esther!
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website

Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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