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Thursday 7 November 2013

Dont flick rubber bands! & All change at the Fun Factory

You know what its like when you read a story in the news when its just unbelievable!  Here's one from the Mail Two of our "officers of the law" visited the home of a boy who flicked a rubber band (allegedly accidentally) at another pupil in the playground.
The other boy, the recipient of the rubber band was not injured but left "traumatised" by the incident at a Leicestershire "Academy".  The boys parents sparked off the whole "investigation" which then involved the police speaking to both sets of parents before deciding that "No crime was committed"  and no further action was required.  - - - speechless!!! 

On a lighter note there a fantastic pic of the Jetpack man flying his "toy" around mount Fuji
Its part of a story in the Metro and worth a look just for the pics and video. 

I tripped over this story in the Sky News about a "building" which "Google" is erecting in San Francisco Bay 
Its being built out of what look like shipping containers and is on a "barge" base of some kind.  The story does not throw any light on what its going to end up as because all the "builders" have been sworn to secrecy! - - - very strange 

Another Metro informs us that we are being invaded by a mutant type of super rat. 
Lovely teeth!  The story indicates that they abound in Kent & Surrey and are spreading quickly.  They apparently eat poison pellets like they are a food with no ill effects.  - - - 

Nearer to home its All change at the Fun Factory, the local sainsbugs where I work part time.   I "cast aspersions" in my previous on the good name of Sam one of the bakers saying he had gone sick for 3 weeks when he had handed in his notice to go and pursue a plastering career. I WAS WRONG! It turns out i had got the wrong end of the stick, he has has 3 days sick and is now fit and well to complete his last 3 weeks at the Fun Factory. Glad to see you back Sam - - - 

Shocked and stunned!  well not really but it came as a revelation when my boss, "Lets call her TracEy" decided to throw in the towel as Bakery Manager and move on to another branch of sainbugs.  She's had her ups and downs  but finally decided to swap to a less demanding job in a store nearer to her home.  All the best Dragon Lady!  
The burning question is! who do we get next?  I have been casting the fishing pole around various "managers"  pools all to no avail.  My line of questioning was something like "is it true then that you are the next Bakery Manager?" This elicits horrified looks on their faces and a strong denial of any desire to fill the post.  Its not a job any of them want I fear as its one where you will never get it right! - - - 

Customer challenges are as usual a mixed bag but an old dear came up with a new approach yesterday.  "Excuse me can you tell me where the batteries are?" she asked,  upon which i had to ask her to repeat the question as i was stuffing items into the bottom shelf of the display at the time.  I was half way through explaining where they were and she said, with a titter, "Oh sorry not batteries but Gravy granules"  We both laughed and had an animated discussion about "its your age" which it turns out was 87 before i sent her on her way to the gravy granules. - - - 

At home Sainsbury enjoys the best seat nearest the log burner 

While Amanda, a dry stone waller is anything but dry out in the Organic garden project 
This is going to be a hell of a task as this part of the wall stretching up to the large trees only represents about a third of the length! 

Suns up today so its a quick bit of logging before the predicted afternoon rain arrives - - - 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam 

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