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Wednesday 13 November 2013

All a bit doom and gloom & logging today

Mostly a doom and gloom blog today with the continuing and harrowing pics of the Typhoon destruction from the Philippines dominating the News media.  One consolatio if you can call it that is the estimated number of deaths looks as if it might not be as high as fitst thought. Sky news covers the race to get aid out there.

Our government has yet again managed to meddle in something that has killed off all the competition for cheaper Broadband to Rural Communities
This BBC story relates how the government has given its all of its broadband funds to BT thereby killing off any worthwhile efforts of competition in supplying it!!!! - - -

More doom and gloom in the energy market as this BBC story tells us we will have Energy bill hikes to last 17 more years
The main thrust of the story is hanging off the headline, we, the consumers are going "to get screwed" with above inflation price rises for another 17 years.  When you look at it though most "price rises" are
above inflation so why should we be surprised.  The story is peppered with government innuendo about them "lacking an overall picture of affordability" and promises of "being committed to keeping prices down"  There's even mention of Dopey Millibands plan for a 20 month "price Freeze" if "they" win the next election.  The only thing freezing methinks will be "the consumers" unable to afford the bills to pay for energy!

"Vast Antarctic Iceberg could threaten shipping  says the BBC headline in a story which tells us of yet another huge iceberg, this one the size of Singapore island is set to cause havoc in the southern ocean shipping lanes
UK researchers have been awarded £50,000 to fund a 6 month project to predict its movement through the southern ocean.   What!!!!!!  £50,000 where has this 50k come from? how far is this thing likely to move in 6 months?  Why dont they just fly over it toss out half a dozen GPS devices and give us all the URL's to track it at our leisure?   Worth a look at the story for the nice pics though lol !

Check its not April the first for this one - - - a man has been awarded 33 months in a Singapore jail (good continuity from the last story lol) for being a villain.  his name Batman bin Superman!
Great story from the Metro including the pic above!

Locally its looking like a fantastic logging morning clear and crisp! Only one more day before i start my 6 day shift pattern again at the Fun Factory (local sainsbugs) I'm looking forward to my "Development Passport" initiation!!!  Its an idea to "develop" Sainsbury Colleagues"  great if you are Developable!  I think my age might make me not take it tooooo seriously!

Had a good day on the Organic project yesterday
I cleared off the right hand side of this pic to expose an outside wall to what used to be a pig sty years ago.  We had thought the stone floor level might go a little further but it tunred out not to.  Lots of soil into bags and carrying it over to the "beds" area where more winter planting is going to take place.
The dry stone wall is coming along a treat, it can be seen on the left by the hard topped footpath.  The burned area in the pic is where Jenny and her husband Dave had a bonfire at the weekend in an effort to get rid of some of the debris the clearing and felling have produced.

Right then that's it for today - - to the woods!

Enjoy the day
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