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Tuesday 26 November 2013

An "Independence Encyclopaedia! & I come across "the pit of doom"

Sky news, a along with other media cover the Scottish bit for a split from the rest of the UK.  The story indicates there's a 670 page Independence Encyclopaedia which "promises how a breakaway Scotland would work"
Lets hope Encyclopaedia doesn't turn out to be "just a fairy story"  There's talk about how the rest of the UK will feel about the document - - - I think we should have a referendum at the same time as the Scots do to let em know how we feel. - - - 

Funny headline in the Sun this morning 
Its a take on John Darwin skipping his parole to meet a "25 year old bride" in the Ukraine.  Hes the guy who "disappeared" while canoeing in the sea some years back! 

Giving criminals short goal sentences disrupts their home life according to the headline in the daily mail 
The comment is by "top judge" apparently - - - solution then?   give them longer sentences maybe. - - -

Closer to home 
Yesterdays logging was going fine until I was attempting to bring down the last group of hawthorn trees which as usual were twisted together and holding each other from falling to the ground.
Here's the last 2 groups in the copse and its the one on the left with the magpie nest visible. 
 The trick is to saw them in the right order or the chainsaw bar gets trapped - - - like this 
Iv'e released the bar from the body of the saw which is stuck by the weight of the trunk.  Normally if it was summertime and i had Boris the Defender with me i would use one of my hand saws to release it but having to walk to the site due to the wet ground I don't have any with me. 
The solution was to walk back to my friend Jim's and borrow his chain saw, here in the foreground to do the job.  
Cracked it! and the last of the copse is down ready for cutting up and stacking.  But wait a minute? what's this? 

The copse was almost at the top of a small knoll which you can see in the first pic.  What I had not realised because of the undergrowth was that it concealed a pit with a large metal grill across the 8 foot diameter top of it. 
I cleared away some of the undergrowth and discovered a sheeps bones which meant the animal must have got its foot stuck between the grill openings and starved to death long ago. 
Hanging onto the stone surround I put one foot on the grill cleared away the sheep bones and dropped a stone down the pit, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 seconds before it reached the bottom.  How deep was it then?OK you work it out! All i knew, "it was deep" as I gingerly got both feet back onto the stone surround!  
As I puffed my way up the hill back to the farm I named it "the pit of doom" Unfortunately Jim was out when I arrived back at the farm but I must find out the history of it - - - 

Its a http://peakorganics.org.uk work day today thank good ness because at the moment its Fffffreeezing 
Enjoy the day
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