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Friday 15 November 2013

More cones on the statues & I am really in the dog house!!

Glasgow statue of "old nosey" with a cone on his head is not as unique as the story claimed.  The city Fathers of Galsgow were thinking of raising the statue to stop people puttting cones on the head.
This BBC story has a host of pics from around the UK showing "cone heads"
We do still have a sense of humour then!   - - -  --

I never knew the Japanese were so hooked on Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit
This lady Kasuko Kobayashi read Peter Rabbit as a way of learning English but the attraction draws Japanese tourists to the Attraction in Bowness-on-Windermere in their droves!

This story really will not go away! MI6 spy Gareth Williams
Found dead in a padlocked holdall in an empty bath in his flat in Pimlico
The coroner declares he was likely to have been killed unlawfully"  The police however say an "evidence review" has found it "was more probable that no other person as present when he died"
So you get into the bath then put yourself in a holdall and manage to lock yourself in.  Then what? !!!
- - - - - -- - - - --

So there I was having a break at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) when I notice a text from Sally, "Gentle hint have you forgotten anything about today? "  Icy fingers run down my spine as it takes a few seconds to realise I have forgotten her birthday.
Colleagues rush to my aid, well just taking the Pixx really but suggesting I send flowers - - quickly.  Taking my life in my hands I suggest Champagne as a way out and the card lady from the shop finds me a grovelling Sorry card.
On the way home I have a brainwave! I will get 2 new tyres for her beloved Boris the Defender!  - - - maybe I will only get 40 lashes!!!!
I arrive home only to hear that even her ex, our friend Croxford remembers her birthday - - - oh bugger it I'm in the sh1t.
Enjoy the day
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