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Tuesday 29 October 2013

The storm passes us by & its an organic day

Stories abound in the media this morning about the recent storm which left its trail of damage across parts of the UK yesterday.  The death toll is 4 or 6 depending which stories you read.
The Express headline tells of more storms on the way although its inevitable at this time of year the paper appears to be on its own on this one.
Here in Derbyshire which was predicted to be in the storms path at one time, the day passed largely wind free with only the odd rain shower .

Nuisance telephone calls are a curse we have to endure along with the piles of junk mail pushed through the letterbox.
This Daily Mail story covers the problem and claims people are so intimidated by the cold calls they refuse to answer the phone.  We just have the answer machine set to pick up calls on the second ring, this generally means the call will end before the incoming message finishes.

I'm making an effort with my book about my Army career and have read through it once more correcting the numerous spelling and grammatical errors.  Harking back to those days is strange because some memories are quite vivid and others, when you start to speak to friends are not even recalled.  I have recently been contacted and informed that one ex 7 RHA colleague has had a heart attack and another who went on to serve in the SAS General Sir Michael Wilkes KCB CBE has died.  I knew Wilkes when he was a Lieutenant in 7 RHA in the 60's. - - -

Today is meant to be a volunteer work day for me with http://peakorganics.org.uk but I fear the weather might have other ideas because its raining right now.  Ah well the book can always get a bit of attention.

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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