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Wednesday 16 October 2013

Are you connected to nature? & Trees down at Peak Organics

Its not surprising that kids are not "connected to nature" according to this BBC article
The perception of adults that nature is dangerous and dirty seems to be holding children back from enjoying what nature has to offer.  I don't suppose its much of a surprise that kids "don't have time" to get out there nowadays.  The 3 year project by the RSPB indicates 21% of 8 - 12 years olds are "connected. Maybe if we had earlier data to compare it with it might not be to surprising

 The Daily Mail covers another environmental story about the removal of some wind turbines near Addingham in Yorkshire
pic by Alex Whitehead 
These 3 plus one more had apparently not worked for years and were removed with the intention of putting in 2 even larger ones.  Planning permission was denied and local protesters are trumpeting their vistory - - - interesting that the land belongs to the Duke of Devonshire. 

 Drone flying?  not something you come across every day but it appears to be getting very popular across "the pond" in the US and around the world this BBC story relates
Its not your radio controlled model airplane but a device you wear goggles that receive video from the drone and you "fly" the thing.  Sounds pretty cool and im sure we will see all kinds of stories popping into the news media.  Some kind of legislation to "regulate" the flying of them is just around the corner!

Closer to home - - - We took Tom our older cat to the Vets to get the all clear after his sore leg of the previous week.  We are still troubled by other cats coming in the house and apart from eating all the cat food they terrorise Sainsbury the younger cat.  We are looking at a cat flap which you can programme with the cats "Microchip" so it only lets them in.  Not cheap but it seems the only alternative

Working for http://peakorganics.org.uk yesterday started with me finishing off clearing the flagged floor of what we think was a pigsty years ago.
  The cleared floor area in the pic is about 6 x 12 feet and I have been asked to see how far it go's to the right before it hits the perimeter track, a job for next time maybe.

Vanessa arrived before noon and promptly picked 3 buckets of damsons to sell at the market and later the Tree man arrived and set about his work
He removed all but the lower trunk of one which was shading our garden, just beyond the fence, from light.  We are now proposing to remove the 2 trees just beyond the fence over winter in one of our "new projects"
Here's Dave complete with all the relevant safety gear demolishing a willow a little farther up into the garden.  The resulting wood is being shred between himself and the Garden itself 

Apparently we are going to get quite a bit of rain later today but I'm going to risk a couple of hours logging before it arrives late morning.  Gotta "connect with nature!" 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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