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Wednesday 23 October 2013

Another Spider story & Sorry sir you cant leave your bin ere!

Another story hits the news, this time in the Mail about a person being bitten by a False widow spider
Apparently not difficult to identify as the pic above doesn't look anything like the spiders we normally see around the garden and house. The story though has some pretty scary shots of John Catlins leg after he was bitten on the toe
Not something you would like to experience i'm sure!!!

The evidence i shall give etc etc etc has been The Oath used in our courts for years and a motion to end it has been defeated says this BBC story.
Solicitors argued that evidence given "under oath" or sworn on religious texts "must be strengthened" and opposed the ending of using "the oath".  Mind you so many people have been known to lie under oath i think its a bit of a waste of time myself.  A lot of time its seems he who wins has the best lawyer!    - - -

6 Tips to Revive Old Food Says this BBC story which must be a loser before it begins when you look at other stories claiming we throw away £750 worth of food a year.
One item covers using old bananas to make ice cream which we have tried with a fair degree of success.  Even with the cost of everything seeming to be spiralling ever upwards our "throw away" society I think is here to stay.

Talking of "Throwing things away" carries me neatly onto an amusing story from a friend of ours, lets call him "Croxford"
Rubbish bins we are blighted with up and down the country! green lids grey lids brown lids all mean something to our warriors of the early morning mega machines that give "early calls" to the idle around here and "oh bugger!" forgot to put it out again to peeps like me as you observe it gliding passed your house!
Croxford, who it has to be said is not the most agile of men being afflicted with various ills has to drag his general rubbish bin along the "back" of the houses to an assembly point for it to be emptied.
Having done that one day and seen the "bin lorry" pass by he went to retrieve his bin only to find it had disappeared.  
He phoned the relevant department reporting the loss to be promised a new bin right away which (of course) never turned up.  Another phone call some days later produced the promised bin and he duly dragged it to the assembly point on the correct day.  (like most communities various bins are only emptied fortnightly now)
On retrieving the bin he noticed it had not been emptied so he tried again a fortnight later only for the same thing to happen.
Time for action thinks Croxford and loads the still full bin into his wagon and go's to the council offices.  Having parked up he drags the bin into reception and explains the problem and tells the bemused receptionist that the bin is being left there by him for them to empty. It turns out that the bin had the "wrong coloured lid" to be emptied on the general rubbish appointed day!
At this juncture the "security man" approaches and utters the immortal words,"Sorry sir you cant leave your ere!"
Croxford manages to ignore the man and leaves the building followed at a distance by the Security man "pulling along the bin!"
Croxfords wagon is parked in the council car park and realising the security man might have desires on stopping him leaving without the bin he walks across to the local Morrisons and into the shop, the security man thinking he has parked in Morrisons car park follows him, with the bin.
Croxford hatches a plan and on leaving Morrisons jumps into a taxi and giving the man a fiver says, "council offices quick!"  explaining the sorry tail on the way.
The security man is puzzled at first watching the taxi disappear but then. All a little tooooo late catches on!
Struggling to get the bin across the Morrisons car park and back to the council one he is clearly dejected as Croxford sails out of the council car park and back home.
The council later contact Croxford to inform him that a new bin is on order but will take 2 - 3 weeks.
Enjoy the day
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