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Tuesday 15 October 2013

Low fat diets make you fatter? & Peak Organics day

I bleated on about what's good for you one minute is bad for you the next yesterday and the subject was curved sole shoes.  Today it turns out a a low fat diet could make you fatter its form the Mail and it has some compelling evidence
This a pic of Sam Feltham a personal trainer on day 21 of his low fat diet where he has gained 16lbs in weight and put over 3 inches on his waistline!  There's also a suggestion in the text that a low fat high carb diet could raise cholesterol levels. - - - worth a read   - - -

Smartsource water offered consumers savings of up to 8% on their water bills.
What really caught consumers attention though was a guarantee not to increase prices for 4 years.  Whats the old saying "if it sounds too good to be  true it probably is"  The BBC story is a sad tale of unpaid bills and disconnection notices. Part of the problem was the company paid your water bill for you and obviously this didn't happen but its the "end user" who is still responsible. - - - 

Cut up a calor gas cylinder with a grinder? the story is form the Mail but a BBC2 DIY programme screened the act to millions. 
All this to make a lampshade!  Calor point out that apart from it being illegal, they own the cylinder you buy only the gas, its dangerous.  The fact the guy doesn't even have gloves on and bare legs while cutting the cylinder points the way to disaster sooner or later!    

Ever tried using those self service tills at the supermarket.  
Another Mail story points out that a third of people using them have walked out of the stores because of a bad experience.  Yes they are irritating as invariably an error will throw up the fact you need "assistance" which is usually 1 assistant watching all the self service tills and is attending to someone else at the time.  
My take is that we are being "conditioned" to want everything faster.  - - -  take it easy chill out beat the conditioners!!!!!!!   

Its that time again, I'll be spending some time working for the Peak Organics  people today. Digging away to expose a stone flagged floor in an old pig sty and smashing up an old tree trunk into firewood should keep me busy.  Then its one more day off before returning to the Fun Factory for a series of shifts! 

Enjoy the day
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