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Monday 21 October 2013

sell your baby for an iphone & shop antics

The story about the blonde girl picked up in Greece by the police from a Roma couple is all over the news but here's a couple on China who sold their baby to buy an iphone or so the story go's.  They had 2 children already and decided to sell the 3rd!

Another "child" related story is the horrific one covered by the BBC about abortions in El Salvador
It appears that some women who genuinely have miscarriages are jailed for Murder!   Worth a read! - - -

Another warning about threats to our trees is covered in BBC Story  this time its the oak tree that is in danger
These peats are oak processionary caterpillars.  The hairs on the caterpillars can cause skin rashes, eye problems breathing difficulty's and sore throats.
This is the type of damage to a piece of bark the caterpillars can do.  Accompanying the story is a list of other bugs we are also having to put up with.  It makes you wonder if we will have any trees left in 50 years!

This one makes me laugh! sleep cleans the brain of toxins
The boffins reckon that sleep acts as a "waste removal system" and that is one of the prime functions of sleep.  They also claim that not getting enough sleep may lead to some brain disorders.  Go on! think about the people you know and work with? there's at least a couple that definitely are not getting enough sleep!!!!

Nearly finished my series of shifts at the fun factory just tomorrow to go, I dont normally work Tuesdays but I have been asked to swap Wed for Tues.
The week has brought its usual number of "challenges" non more so than a lady customer today who spoke for a couple of minutes and still never told me what she wanted.  We went through the hand gestures and "well its like" and "Lots of other supermarkets do it" but were getting nowhere until she mentioned "It goes on lamb".  wandering to the "culinary's I gestured towards rosemary etc etc but always the response was always no.  We even visited the section where all the saice packets are located but still the answer was no.  "Morrisons have it" she said and the obvious answer was "well go to Morrisons!" but I resisted.  We finally parted after about 10 minutes still non the wiser although she thanked me for my efforts!
A far more satisfying outcome came about when i was sticking reduction stickers on items with today's date on.  I noticed a rather attractive 20 something girl wandering away down towards the far end of the shop.  A few minutes later she passed by again and once more a few minutes later.
I stopped her the 4th time and told I had noticed her passing a number of times, and asked what she was looking for.  Slightly embarresed she mentioned a couple of items, one was very close by so I took her and gave directions to the other and she went one her way!
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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