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Friday 4 October 2013

Giant Hornets & The knife edge once again

I saw this story first on BBC news where there's a video showing some of the wounds these hornets have inflicted, they look as large as bullet holes! Its the graphic picture though on the Daily Mail's coverage that gives you some idea how big they are!
The report go's on to say more than 40 people have died of the stings and 1600 injured.

I think it might be me but here's a tale about Banning car parking spy camera's
Ok there are lots of places where you cannot park but they are "usually" signed well and in the majority of cases there's a good reason for the ban.  If a council wants to spend its money on mobile spy camera vehicles to enforce what essentially is the law I cant see what's wrong with that.  I'm sure that most drivers will have been delayed or inconvenienced by someone parking illegally - - -

Tesco announced a 25% drop in profits along with an apology for their g*y best friend doll!!! If it wasn't insulting it would be funny at how crass retailers are!!!!

At the fun factory "Sainsbugs Matlock" we had a VIP visit today and as usual the place was buzzing hours before they arrived.  The usual "suits" appeared and walked around the store, thankfully I was not one of the recipients of their attention. The "sprint" towards Christmas is gathering pace as the "mincemeat" finally appeared on the shelves so lots of home made mince pies will be made!

In related in an earlier blog that "investment in wine was not a good idea" in particular for me.  It was although, rather amusing the other night to receive a phone call from a sales person at encarta fine wines whose name I didn't even bother to note down. He was offering me an "exit strategy" from the wine investment market. So take heed everyone even the investment people are suggesting you get out of wine!!!

On the home scene our cat Tom
Who is at least 19 years old seems to be going a little "batty"!  He has a habit of dashing around the house or just sitting staring at nothing in particular. He appears a little odd but is still eating like a horse and follows us into the garden.  No different than some of my antics I suppose lol!!!!!!  

I wandered across to Snowdonia on Tuesday evening to have a last go at the Grib Goch route to Snowdons summit with its infamous Knife Edge.  I have always believed it not to be too hairy but all my previous attempts have been in good weather. 
I arrived at the Pen-Y Pas car park around 2015 and settled down to devour a pre prepared Chilli and other goodies.  During the night the rain drummed on the Cyril's roof and more than once the wind attempted to move him around.  
The morning dawned rather soggy but not raining and quite warm at 14.5c.  I could see a band of mist a couple of hundred metres above me and soon entered it as i plodded up the mountain. 
It took me longer to get onto the top of Crib Goch than I remembered on previous attempts and in the mist I wondered if I had missed the summit but no here I was looking along the knife edge! 
It was very damp and the rocks were like a skating rink! Hey it was a challenge as well as a gale blowing so no I didn't bother balancing along the edge! 
Honestly though it was a good walk even though the rain came down as I joined the track where you see the railway track to the summit.  I don't think I will be doing the walk again in that type of weather!  more pics on this link   The pics of the parking ticket machine are there because i still have not mastered making it work correctly.  You have to "choose Tarrif" e.g. £5 for 5 hours or £10 all day BUT THERES NO BUTTON TO CHOOSE A TARRIF!!!! 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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