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Sunday 13 October 2013

Now Oz feels the heat & If it isn't broken don't fix it!

With the Indian cyclone having made landfall the pics are in all the news media, this from the Mail
and its the "usual" disturbing crop of pics showing people desperately trying to flee the storm, look after their livestock or the one above just being overawed by the effects.
As we head into our winter season in Australia they are are bracing themselves for an extreme summer according to this Sky News story.  There's talk of heat waves, cyclones, severe thunderstorms and the inevitable brushfires
Warmer than average sea temperatures are partly to blame according to the pundits!

A panic over fuel shortages could possibly be on the horizon, mind you that only my take on this BBC story about a proposed strike at the Scottish Grangemouth refinery.
 The headline screams that the threatened 48 hour strike starting from next Sunday could "shut most of Scotland".  My idea is that if the newspapers start to pump up the story (lol) there will be long queues at pumps all over the UK!

Street food  this BBC story claims is becoming increasingly popular with the more festivals we are having.  The health angle is the predominant line and it mentions 400 people suffering food poisoning at an event in Newcastle.  I'm a bit squeamish about street food as you only have to look at the person preparing it to "hold back" on a purchase.
Mind you back in the early 70's I vividly recall sitting on the kerb in Bugis Street Singapore eating a meal from one of the many "Street food" vendors.  Nowadays Bugis street is clear of the food stalls as legislation moved them into government controlled "Food Halls"
This is a pic of one of the more popular Food Halls, you can still eat outside in China towns "food street" but the food halls are great for a quick meal.  Maybe we should follow Singapore's lead! - - -

"If it isn't broken don't fix it" A true and well tested saying yesterday by me! It was raining but I was going to change the sponges in the pond filters come what may.  I wandered up to the shed to collect the replacement filters and flicked up the screen of the old laptop we use to run the birdfeeder and cloud view webcams.
It seemed to be using a lot of CPU so I started to find out why.  Updates was the answer it was updating itself but I unticked a box which would cut out 2 procedures when it was saving the still pics to the webserver.  No problem now where are those sponges

A soggy hour later the pumps have been hauled out of the pond and cleaned the sponges changed and the pond looks good.
Later in the day I notice the weather machine image on the website is showing only half the length it should and the web server is showing errors!  2 hours later after trying all the usual fixes and even re installing some of the weather software I admit defeat and take the weather image off the site.
4:30 this morning I wake up still puzzled but hey! The last weather image (the one only showing half of the pic) was timed at 0840, the same time I unticked the box on the other machine, could that be the problem?  Sno good I'm going to have to get up and "Fix it again!".  20 minutes later after remotely ticking the box on the shed machine and putting back the weather image on the site, all is well!!!!!   So "If it isn't broken don't fix it!" has another twist of "If it isn't broken Fix it till it is!"    - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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