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Saturday 12 October 2013

Cyclone heads for India & we buy Billy the bookcase?

Each day as I switch on my PC I look at a few webcams around the world mainly to see what the weather is like, OK sad I know but there we go.  this one is on the island of Kuredu in the Maldives and the weather was looking rather dull!
Surfing the news channels it soon became obvious why this was
A huge cyclone is working its way across the Bay of Bengal towards India's eastern coast.  We remembered being on holiday in the Maldives around this time last year when a similar cyclone was following the same track and the Maldivian weather was affected by one of the cyclones tails stretching far out into the Arabian sea.
Here's a pic of last years cyclone with an arrow pointing out where we were.
This pic shows the effect on the Maldivian weather at the time.  Once the cyclone hits the Indian coast the Maldivian weather returns to its sunny aspect.  Heavens knows what it must be like on the Indian coast

Another weather ralated story from the Metro this morning is of a German motorist who slid off a snow covered road in Bavaria into a river
He managed to get out of the car up onto the roof and as the car began to sink was saved by the emergency services throwing him a lifeline!

Another Metro story we picked up on was one about a diver having his teeth cleaned by a shrimp!
I think I would draw the line at letting anything wander inside my mouth while snorkelling but sometyimes we have been nibbled at by the "cleaner wrass" if you hang around too long in one spot
In this pic you can see a fish about to have a go at my watch strap. They'll happily swim quite close to you looking for lunch!

Having been force fed pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast yesterday!
It was suggested by Sally that she was going to sort out the books in our bookcase which is a tad overflowing.  Taking my life in my hands I suggested we get another "bit" to join onto the existing 2 shelves.
The 2 we have came from "IKEA", yeah you know the place you go in for a T Towel and come out with a 3 piece suite!   (we did just that once!).
Anyway, Thankfully I was despatched, alone "cos it will will need the front seat folding in the van" i remarked.
Wandering around the place you see the couples picking up all kinds of things they don't really want and resolutely try to keep your eyes "to the front" and concentrate on the one item you have come to buy, "Billy the bookcase".  We have silly names for our cars like I suppose lots of people do but why is it that IKEA have such silly product names?
Having found the right item in the "Furniture self service" warehouse i quickly whizz through the check out and back out into the rain. Ah! I cant get my trolley past the huge concrete bollards in the loading area! Well its not that heavy so I pick up Billy, abandon the trolley and puff and pant across the car park, in the rain to the van.  "Hey Cyril (the van) meet Billy" I say as I load him into the van and make good my escape feeling pretty pleased with myself at having only bought what I came for!
Back home its still raining so a good excuse to install Billy right away.  So with Sally "supervising" and reading the instructions and me only drawing blood once from a screwdriver to the right index finger Billy stands proud next to, well, the other Billy's we already have
 All we need now is for Sally to do the arranging of the various volumes!
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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