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Tuesday 1 October 2013

Minimum wage rises by 12p an hour & Napkin and the ginger biscuits

I see the minimum wage is to rise by 12p to £6.31 from today.  There are different tiers for the younger workers but anyone over 18 gets the full 12p! The "Living Wage Foundation" reckon employers should pay £7.45 I wonder how many will take head of that!

Sky News covers a fire on a Duck
Its not the first time one of these amphibious vehicles with a history of back to WWII have been in trouble. The pic shows tourists abandoning the vessel close to the houses of Parliament on the Thames.  One used in Liverpool sank without any fatalities back in June and one before that in March so it makes you think something's not quite right with them?

Never having been a lover of The Sauna, I tried one back in the 70's and vowed never to go near one again!

 I was surprised to read this BBC story of how many different ways they are used in Finland, Women give birth in them and dead bodies are laid out on the wooden benches to be washed before burial  Mmmmmm  nice!

When I go logging I have to enter the area in the farm yard where our friend Lisa's pet sheep, Napkin is free to roam.  He used to come up to me and it was a simple case of tethering him to the fence while i manoeuvred Boris the Defender through the gate before letting him free again.
He'll trot up to Boris and nibble at anything rubber but try to catch him and its round and round the vehicle.  In the pic I have gone the opposite way to a couple of his circuits but he runs off as I approach.
The danger is he might run into the yard and onto the road if he's not tethered as I drive through the gate.

Lisa however let me into a sure fire way of getting close enough to tether him, Ginger biscuits, he loves them! I'd noticed the container with "Napkin treats" on it but never looked in to see what it was.
 Here Lisa demonstrates the tactic to follow.  On my way out hours later it proved to work!
Enjoy the day
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