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Monday 28 October 2013

The price of Broadband in USA & Storm, what storm?

Here in the UK we notice a lot of technology items are far dearer than they are in the US.  For once then here's a BBC story where it claims Broadband is more costly in the US
This graphic helps the story along until you read further down that the US is ranked 30th out of 33 on price at an average of $90 per month.  Considering that includes phone and TV I don't think that's too bad.  Our Broadband phone and TV package is with Sky and we were paying Sky £70 per month with only the movie package as an extra which we have now ditched!  - - -

The disabled drum gets a firm banging in this BBC story which harks back to the 2012 paralympics as a yardstick

There are a couple of good quotes from Tony Heaton who was responsible for the giant wheelchair adorning the channel 4 building during the games.  He says its 50 years since we put a man on the moon but we still cant get a wheelchair user from one railway station to another (presumably in London)
Another of his points is where non blue badge holders park in disabled parking spaces.  I recently saw a huge pick up lorry parked in one down at the local sainsbugs and not only did he not have a badge the truck was almost blocking the access road to the car park!  Like Mr Heaton says "its a sign that people generally don't care!

Mention of the putting a man on the moon reminds me of this BBC story about conspiracy theories
The text finishes off with a tongue in cheek quote from the author about the moon landings that will make you smile - - -

The storm ravaging the southern part of UK has failed as yet to materialise on our doorstep.
I put a pic in my last blog showing a tree on a car way back in 1997 and true to form the pic above is from a BBC story today  I have looked on the Metcheck site where people post their current weather and some of the reports sound pretty scary.  Mention of roof tiles coming off, 85mph winds and lots of rain.  Currently here its raining moderately and there's a 3,5 mph Northerly wind.  There's still time for it to get nasty though - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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