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Monday 14 October 2013

Another death in the mountains & I want 68 grams of yeast!

Once again the dangers of walking the Mountains in the UK are highlighted in this BBC story
pic by Dudley Smith 
The Ogwen Valley in Snowdonia is a popular place for walkers having the Glyders and Tryfan for enthusiasts to try out.  Its a particularly steep and rocky set of walks and the danger is pretty obvious evben from the various car parks along the A5 passing through the valley.  The unfortunate walker fell around 300 feet near to the Devils Kitchen scramble.  
The story also relates a rescue earlier in the day when a climber had his leg severed by a falling stone block which ended up on the A5 road some 500ft below! 

Sky News report  that Donald Miller Jr from Ohio vanished after losing his job and hitting the bottle back in 1986.  Declared dead 8 years later he then re-surfaces in 2005 alive and well declaring "I kind of took off and ended up in different places"
In attempting to have his social security number and drivers licence reinstated he was told by a judge "your'e still deceased as far as the law is concerned.  - - - only in America I suppose!?

This enterprising builders house was burgled
However, turning to sleuth hinmself it only took him 3 hours to get most of the burgled items back.  Triumphantly returning home he then gets a tongue lashing from the cops at his home taking down his wifes statement and was threatened with arrest for "ruining their investigation. - - - only in the UK I suppose!?

Whats good for you one minute is bad for you the next.  A familiar story here from the BBC 
pic by Sian Macrae 
This time its curved soled shoes once trumpeted as having "a positive impact on posture back and joint pain"  They now are "no better" than traditional trainers for reducing lower back pain"  The story relates the study with its over a 100 volunteers and in the end its a case of some for some against.  For my money, trainers are comfortable but shouldn't be worn continually because the soles are too soft.  
On my feet all day at the Fun Factory (Sainsbugs Matlock) my knees start to give me gip wearing trainers, so much so that I started wearing knee supports (old war wounds you understand lol)  I finally bought a pair of walking boots a few weeks ago with a fairly solid sole.  So far knee pain is staying away! - - - 

Talking of the fun factory, the other day a colleague form the bakery, "lets call her anonymous" related a story about a stroppy customer who declared "I want 68 grams of yeast" asking me how I would have handled the situation.  Now it all boils down to the fact that our pricing ticket machine is programmed to print 50g 100g 200g etc labels.  Not one for 68 grams!  
Explaining this to the customer Anonymous was on a losing track as the customer demanded rather rudely, "I want 68 grams of yeast"  The solution Anonymous came up with was to measure 68g but label it as 50g.  The customer marched off triumphant and will no doubt be back sometime to repeat the tirade.  
My solution I told Anonymous would be to take as long as possible calling a manager and then take as long as possible explaining the situation before letting the manager decide the outcome!  

Our period of manky weather is still with us and the rain is continuing to hammer down just as it did most of yesterday.  One good outcome though was that it drove me to pull out my laptop which "the book" is on.  Having dusted it down and then spent an hour downloading windows updates and Windows Security Essentials updates I finally managed a couple of hours pounding away at the keys!
I've found that even though I thought "I'd completed" the story of my period when I was with 7 Para RHA  for no apparent reason a memory would pop up that "had to go in the book".  Trying to squeeze in the text in the correct place invariably upset the arrangement of the pics I had already inserted and meant rearranging whole pages sometimes.  
I have now then opted for rattling down the text keeping an eye on the pics in my collection and inserting the pic number only to insert the actual pic when "I'm sure" that period is fully complete!  Here's hoping it works.  
So its a stroll by the river in the rain then back to the book for me today - - - 
Here's a pic Sally took at the beginning of June I'll see if i can get asimilar one of today's scene.  
Update 10:00am 
the flash fired so the colours look a little strange but  a big difference from the June pic 
The Autumn colours in all their glory in the foreground trees while the hillside is being hammered by the rain 

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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